Pollution Problems in Your Home: 6 Great Solutions

Environmentalists have revealed that air inside your home may be 4 times more polluted than outdoors. Most air pollutants like car exhaust fumes and big business factory fumes cause the most problems, and these pollutants quickly find their way into our homes. Here is a list of the main culprits and solutions.

Chipboard, pressed wood, particle board or fibreboard is small pieces of wood held tightly together by harmful glues and toxic resins. They are a cheap and nasty way to furnish your home, and can cause serious breathing problems over a length of time. They usually come in the form of cabinets, bookcases, shelving and tables.

The problem with these mass produced products is that they are known to emit formaldehyde, a preservative and dangerous carcinogen that can cause skin rashes, sickness, or asthma attacks, according to the E.P.A. and other health organisations.

You must ventilate you home as much as possible if you have this type of dubious product in your home, especially if they are brand new units that have just been installed in your home. The newer they are, the more they will emit toxins. One good solution is to consider solid wood, especially for kitchen and bathroom fittings, since moisture tends to escalate emissions. If you cannot afford solid wood, then go with plywood, which releases the fewest fumes into your airspace.

Printers emit a high amount of very small but unhealthy particles of ink, toner, and ozone, which is well known lung irritant. Over 33 percent of printers cause serious indoor pollution, which means their emissions are similar to the harmful airborne particles you would find in heavy traffic. To avoid this, set your printer up in a well ventilated area of hour home or office, and try to stand at least a few metres away from it during a long printing session. Print in black and white whenever you can, because coloured ink produces more chemicals.

Dust and dust mites are the biggest problem in every household and they can easily trigger the symptoms of common allergies if their numbers are not controlled. They just love your carpets and bedding areas, or any other fabrics in your home such as curtains and upholstery.

There are several solutions to combat this menace, but you must take action. Use a quality H.E.P.A. vacuum cleaner, \’high-efficiency particulate air/arrest\’ to clean your flooring and carpets a few times a week. Wipe all home surfaces with a clean, damp cloth. Around once a month, put your bedding/pillows, sheets, and quilts through a very hot dryer cycle, so that the high temperature will kill off any dust mites.

You should also invest in a steam cleaner to sanitise every surface in your home. Dry, hot steam is the most effective way to keep your home dust mite free, clean and hygienic. It\’s also the most environmentally friendly way to disinfect your entire home, and that includes bedding too.

Shoe Dirt/Debris
It comes straight in through your front door. Dirt and dust from pavements and anywhere outside can be polluted with very small lead dust particles, paint spots, fertiliser, and a whole host of other dirt particles which stick to your shoes or footwear. Over 75 percent of our total exposure to harmful pesticides happens indoors, caused by tracked in dirt and contaminants, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

The solution to this common problem is to effectively dislodge the dirt or grime by briskly cleaning your footwear over a rough textured outdoor mat. Once your visitors are inside your home, urge them to leave their shoes on a mat or rug beside the front door.

Candles are a popular way to relax and provide a relaxing atmosphere. Most candles are made from paraffin, which can harm your health. Paraffin candles emit dangerous chemicals that are linked to serious health problems. They include neurological issues and leukemia. They slowly release a black soot that can damage your lung and heart tissue.

The solution to this, is to choose cleaner candle lighting such as electric light votive\’s, or 100 percent pure soy candles, which burn at a slower speed and give off less unhealthy black soot. If you must use burning paraffin, then do so only from time to time and in a non drafty area. Avoid strong fragrance candles as they emit chemicals into your airspace.

Mould spores are dangerous and are activated by indoor moisture or dampness. If not properly treated, they can grow out of control and eventually major health problems will incur in people who live with this problem. Excess fungus can induce unpleasant symptoms such as itching eyes and other breathing related problems. A few or the most harmful strains can also attack your immune system, which is a serious condition.

Control your indoor air humidity. 30 to 55 percent humidity is an acceptable range of moisture in your home. A digital hygrometer measures this humidity, and you can purchase them at hardware shops to check your room humidity levels.

Dangerous mould spores thrive in dark, damp areas of your home. Clean and thoroughly dry around your fridge, sinks, and toilets with a mild detergent or disinfectant. Make sure to dry everything thoroughly because mould can come back to haunt you in a very short space of time.

Author Bio: If you have pets, then you know it\’s important to have the best vacuum cleaner for pet hair pick-up at home. Pet Hair Vacuums at Ecovacuumcleaner.com

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Pollution Solutions

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