Poultry Farming in India-Its Aspects and Growth as an Industry

Initially, Poultry farming in India was only available to local rural places. Forming Poultry units only need a low budget and a small land. So it was like generating income that was sufficient for the rural population. It has faced sea change from small scale to a commercial and large scale industry. It is now more arranged and functional. The growth is possible due to the intervention of the private sectors. The industry provides a power house of nutrition to all strata of population because the poultry products are economical. Indian poultry farming includes the health of poultry animals, breeding, medicines vaccines and even different by products. Today people are considering poultry business as a career. Although poultry farming includes husbandry and stock, tools, medicines and human power. The chief products are eggs and broilers.

Structure of the Poultry Farming in India
There are various types and structures of poultry. It varies from place to place. Small scale and autonomous poultries have limited productions while commercial farms have a huge output. They provide basic amenities for animal husbandry like feed, vaccination, diagnosis and medicines. There is an attempt to bring the small scale trade under the large scale industry in poultry farming in India. One recent tendency that can be noticed is that poultry farming are now concentrating near cities.

Products and Value Added Goods of Poultry Farming in India

India is the eighteenth largest producer of meat and fifth largest producer of eggs in the world.

The major products of poultry farming in India are eggs and broiler meats. These foodstuffs are also available in other types as eggs are found in frozen and powdered form. Chickens are found in deboned form, chicken powder and many more. They have a huge market both internally and internationally.

– The range varies from yellow pigmented yolk, albumen flakes, then yolk powder, with natural lecithin, and finally whole egg powder, used in pharmaceutical and medical industry.

– Whereas, chicken soup, chicken essence, chicken nuggets, chicken kababs, chicken hot-dogs and membranes are some of the sumptuous poultry food stuffs.

– In airlines deboned meat, liver and giblets are used as food.

– These are good economic ventures.
– And the remaining wastes are used as poultry feed.

Feed Used in Poultry Farming in India.
Soya bean meal and maize are two basic poultry feeds. But maize is used for other commercial products like corn flakes starch etc. Even the prices of soya meals fluctuate. Thus for the feed they are concentrating on increasing the production of maize or other s alternative seeds. In laboratories experiments are done for new feeds.

Environmental Pollution and Animal Welfare Issues
Environmental pollution and animal welfare problems is not yet a serious subject in poultry farming in India. But it is a grave issue of concern in foreign lands. In India seminars and workshops are repeatedly arranged on poultry productions. With international trade and commerce and globalization this problem may creep into India also.

Export of Poultry Foodstuffs
Emphasis is given on maximum food protections in poultry farming, while exporting the poultry products. With the increase of exports, poultry farming is earning foreign currencies and exchanges, which add to the development of the country’s finance. Poultry farming in India exports meat, egg, birds, quail, fowl, frozen yolk etc

Thus poultry farming has a vital role in economy trade and commerce. With the growth of fast food cultures, poultry farming is a thriving Indian food industry also. It is also called agri-livestock industry. Poultry farming in India is now adding enough strength to the Indian economy.

Author Bio: Poultry farming in India was only available to local rural places. Forming Poultry units only need a low budget and a small land. So it was like generating income that was sufficient for the rural population. Click here for Poultry farming in India

Category: Pets
Keywords: Poultry diseases , Poultry farming, Hatcheries, Poultry feed, Poultry export, Poultry exports, Poult

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