Protein Supplements – a Source of High Quality Proteins

Protein supplements are dietary supplements that contain high quality proteins such as whey protein and casein and are commonly used by athletes, bodybuilders, and people who are recovering from diseases.

Why are proteins so important?
Proteins are essential for maintaining normal cellular metabolism. Proteins have numerous functions inside the body that are essential for the synthesis of hereditary material, protoplasm, keratin of skin, nails, and hair, and the collagen of bones. Hemoglobin, which is the red pigment present in red blood cells, is a protein conjugated with an iron containing prosthetic group. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. Keratin of the skin, nails, and hair is a tough protein that provides strength to these structures.

However, the most important role of proteins is the formation of cellular enzymes. Enzymes are highly specific in function and act on specific substrates because each enzyme has a specific active site to which the specific substrates bind. The 3-dimensional structure of each enzyme is responsible for its catalytic activity. Many proteins are involved in inter cellular signaling and proteins are essential for maintaining normal cellular transduction mechanisms.

Proteins are also important to keep the blood pH within narrow limits and therefore help in body homeostasis (maintenance of a constant internal environment). Proteins are essential for the synthesis of most hormones like insulin and growth hormone, and thus, they maintain healthy hormone levels in the blood. Proteins are also associated with strengthening and boosting the immune system because they are involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulin (antibodies). Another major role of proteins is the maintenance of constant osmotic pressure of the blood.

Daily protein requirement:
The amount of daily protein you require depends on your activity level and age. Athletes require high amounts of daily protein intake because they are very active and perform vigorous exercises. Therefore, they need more protein to help build strong muscles. Growing children also require high quantities of protein in order to help their body develop.

You can calculate your daily protein intake by using the following
Multiply your body weight in kilograms by .8 or by .37 for body weight in pounds. The numerical value you get is the amount of protein in grams that you require each day.

What do protein supplements contain?
Protein supplements are sources of proteins that are available in various types like protein bars, protein powders, and weight gain supplements.

Protein powders:
Protein powders are an easy way to increase your daily protein requirements to maintain a healthy body weight and lean muscles. Different types of protein powders are available in the market including:

– Casein powders: Casein is a protein that is present in milk and is also known as milk protein.

– Egg powders: It contains albumin which is a protein that is present in egg white and acts as a transport protein in the blood. Albumin transports many insoluble hormones in the blood (such as the thyroid hormone).

– Goat milk powders: Protein powders made from goat milk have the highest bio availability because goat milk is similar in composition to human milk.

– Wheat protein powders: Wheat protein powders are rich in Glutamic acid.

– Whey protein powders: Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV).

Protein bars:
Protein bars are a quick and easy meal substituent. All you need to do is open the wrapper and your meal is ready.

Weight gainers:
Weight gainers are preferred by people who are recovering from diseases like anorexia. Weight gainers are often taken by athletes because this is an easy and quick way to increase body mass.

Author Bio: Protein supplement Nutritional supplements are taken to compensate diets that are deficient in essential nutrients and minerals. Nutritional supplements are intended to enrich the food value of your diet. Click here for Nutritional supplement

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Protein supplement, Nutritional supplement, Bodybuilding supplement, Online supplements

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