Renovations – Your Bachelor Pad

Most home renovation tips are centered on tips, ideas, and suggestions that will be pleasing to the entire family, especially to moms and kids. This article takes 360-degree turn by providing tips that will improve the living room of a bachelor who lives in his own house or in his own pad.

Purchase appliances that are inclined on your interests.

More often than not, the interests of bachelors are confined on music, movies, and games. If your case is similar, it will be wise breathe life to your living room by decorating it with appliances showcasing your interest in these things. Home theater systems, Xbox and a full range of audio system will certainly make your stay in your living room thrilling.

Art is in. Learn to stay away from posters.

Giving life to your wall can sometimes be dangerous. Gone are the days when posters are hit decors on walls. You\’re not a college boy anymore. Show more of what you have learned from your humanities subject. Appreciate art. Display a framed art work that is composed of two to three colours. It will get attention without compromising your manhood.

Get a sofa or couch that has masculine touch.

It can\’t be helped but visitors such as friends and girlfriend(S) will surely frequent your place. Let your reception area be accommodating by providing comfortable sofa and couches to seat on. Choose ones that are dark-coloured such as black, brown or dark blue. They are more inclined for the masculine side. Don\’t forget to add extra comfort with throw pillows. Choose plain colours. Make some contrasts. If your couch is black, red throw pillows are perfect contrasts.

Be proud of your collection.

Bachelors are fond of collecting different things. You surely have your own. Dedicate a space where it could be showcased with glory. Action figures, RCs, and miniature bottle wines are sure to create a commotion among your visiting friends.

Have a piece of nature inside – plants will do, so as flowers too.

There is no better way of being eco-friendly by putting fresh plants inside your living space. Potted plants are good. Just make sure they are of proper height. Flowers are not for females only. There are varieties fit for the male species. Flowers like cymbidiums, and irregularly-shaped ones like gladiolus perfectly exudes manliness.

Exude mystery with some lamps.

Lamps provide perfect light with the appropriate dimness – especially when you are in some intimate moments with your woman. Lampshades made of bamboo are perfect for inducing intimacy. Floor lamps and table lamps are also good lighting fixtures. Scented candles are perfect tabletop decorations. Just be sure to choose musky and citrus scents.

By following the tips provide herein, be prepared to have a beautifully-arranged living room perfectly-suited for a single man. Having your living room arranged in such a masculine way, be prepared to accept guests, especially girls who will want to see what you\’ve got right in your living room.

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Category: Home Management
Keywords: Renovations – Your Bachelor Pad

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