Repairing Water Damaged Cell Phone

One of the most common ways to damage a cell phone is to get it wet. It might surprise some people who are really careful with their phones, but phones get fried by water all the time. They get dropped in puddles, sprinkled with water on the kitchen counter, and tossed into the washing machine. Humidity and condensation can also cause damage to a phone. It might seem like just a small amount of dampness, but it will still cause a lot of damage. Of all the iPhone repair services and Samsung Galaxy repair that occurs everyday, drying out wet phones is one of the most common. Fixing a cell phone damaged by water is actually easier than you think. The biggest mistake people make is turning their phone on right away to see if it still works. If you pull your phone out of a puddle of water or the washing machine, do not attempt to turn it back on.

Obviously, the first thing you need to do to fix the phone is remove it from the water. This is important if you have just dropped it in a puddle of tub of water. If it has run through the washing machine, there is little you can do once the damage is done. The phone can be damaged within seconds of being exposed to the water, so the sooner you get it away from the danger, the better chance you have at fixing it.

Next, remove the phone’s battery. The battery is usually the main problem with a wet cell phone. The body of the phone might dry out just fine, but the battery can get damaged by the water and it might not work once it is fixed. This is the reason why you should not power on your phone while it is wet. Removing the battery prevents the circuit board from being fried. You need to be sure your phone is completely dry before re-installing the battery.

Drying the phone will take awhile. You can use a soft cloth, but it is still a good idea to wait awhile. Putting the phone near a fan speeds the process. You can also use a hair dryer, but do not put the setting on high and keep the warm air at least three inches from the phone. The heat can melt the plastic parts of the phone. It could take several days for a wet phone to dry. Keep the parts separate and place in a cool, dry area away from any further water damage for at least two days. Shake the phone’s parts before re-installing the battery and listen and look for water droplets.

Another option is to use a water absorbing product or alcohol. Placing the cell phone into a plastic bag with rice will draw out the moisture. Have you ever noticed a salt shaker with rice kernels sprinkled throughout? This is to prevent the salt from clumping. The rice absorbs the excess moisture. Alcohol solution works, too. Denatured alcohol such as methanol will remove the water. It works best if the phone has been dropped into coffee or a salt and water mixture.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter thinks that the iphone repair services on the internet are a good thing. He searched the term Samsung Galaxy repair to find a source to fix his employees cell phones.

Category: Business
Keywords: iPhone repair,Samsung Galaxy repair

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