Self Hypnosis: The Ideal Solution For Those Fearful of Being Controlled

You’ve heard about the wonders of hypnosis: how it can help you quit destructive habits like smoking, create useful habits like exercising, and increase your “relaxation ability” and sense of wellbeing.

The only problem? Well…

You’re afraid to try it because you think the hypnotist may take the liberty of, well, controlling you.

Don’t worry. It is a common concern. And although I’ve been a certified hypnotist for well over a decade, there was a day when I, too, feared hypnosis.

I believed the horror movies where a vulnerable, beautiful woman was turned into a slave, subject to the whim of a master monster-hypnotist.

Fortunately, hypnotic power to control someone against her will-and force her to do things she would be aghast about doing-is the stuff of fiction, not reality.

Otherwise, would the Mayo Clinic and other reputable medical institutions have been using hypnosis as a way for clients to control pain?

Would those same respectable facilities use hypnosis as anesthesia for patients too old to reliably handle powerful chemical anesthesia?

Would psychiatrists and psychologists use hypnosis to explore past events that have caused pain and suffering as a way of helping patients attain
understanding, healing and relief?

Probably not.

Don’t let fears or skepticism stop you if you have some ideas about how hypnosis might do you some good.

Maybe you’ve thought about trying hypnosis to stop smoking, or quit dating someone you know is bad for you. Maybe you want to rid yourself of fears that hold you back in life.

Or maybe you would like get some things you’ve dearly wanted for yourself: a better body, a particular skill, a relationship, or even the self confidence to do something you’ve dreamed of, like going back to school or skydiving.

And you sense that hypnosis could possibly help you achieve those desires, but …oops…that old fear resurfaces.

There are two possibilities for solving the problem: the first is to scour the Internet, your friends’ contacts, and the Yellow Pages and search doggedly for a hypnotist you can trust.

In major metropolitan areas, you will likely have many choices. In smaller towns, you may have to look harder. But if there is no hypnotist nearby, don’t be disappointed.

If nothing turns up in your search, there is phone hypnosis, which works astonishingly well. I regularly do it for out-of-town clients or those who cannot leave the house because of childcare issues or illness.

Phone hypnosis works because you don’t need to see your hypnotist to get 100% of the power of hypnosis. You only need to hear her.

A live session, even by phone, can be custom-made for your need or desire.

Beyond phone hypnosis, there are hypnosis CD’s and downloads that you can use-you’ll simply need to find the right one for your issue, and realize that the hypnosis suggestions given won’t be custom-made for you but they will address your issue (assuming that the creator did a good job).

And of course there is self-hypnosis.

You needn’t fear being controlled because self-hypnosis is about you directing yourself.

You can do it any time and virtually anywhere you want because you are both the hypnotist and the client.

And beyond the cost of learning self-hypnosis, the sessions-presented by you to you-would be free.

Once you are well-trained to hypnotize yourself, you can help yourself become the person you have dreamed of being. To many of my clients, the list includes some or all of these elements: stronger confidence, new skills, a better job, a satisfying relationship, a family, success in a field you have dreamed of, among other others.

So if you’ve been curious about learning self-hypnosis, or about hypnosis in general, there is no reason to remain in the dark. Check the Internet, your personal contacts, the phonebook and online directories, and find yourself the hypnotist just right to teach you. ©2011 by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz. All rights reserved. 312-640-1584.Wendy Lapidus-Saltz is a Chicago-based hypnotist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, who has been helping people solve problems and create new life scenarios for more than 12 years. Please contact her via her website:

Wendy Lapidus-Saltz is a Chicago-based hypnotist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, who has been helping people solve problems and create new life scenarios for more than 12 years. Please contact her via her website:

Author Bio: Wendy Lapidus-Saltz is a Chicago-based hypnotist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, who has been helping people solve problems and create new life scenarios for more than 12 years. Please contact her via her website:

Category: Self Help
Keywords: hypnosis, self hypnosis, hypnotism, hypnosis training, creative visualization, guided imagery, succe

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