Social Media Portfolio Creation

It may be an easy task for some to create a personal online media portfolio. But what if it is for business purposes? It may require the services of a social media consultancy firm in order to ensure that the brand equity is protected. Many companies even find it hard to start a social media portfolio as they don’t know where to start. These companies however recognize that it is crucial to set up interesting and attractive accounts in social networking sites. This is where a social media consultancy firm comes in. The firm can set up a professionally done social networking account. They could screen the content and give advice on how to use and maintain the site.

Some of the specific services of the social media consultancy firms include the following:

The design and development of personalized or industry-specific social networking sites which includes the choosing of an appropriate background and the creation of a fan page, groups and even profiles.
The creation of a custom designed logo.
The development of at least 3 main social networking sites.
The development of industry specific sites according to the strategic social media plan.
The creation of and set-up of social networking site profile and other important content in order to get a follower base and start the online version of word-of-mouth marketing.
Training of staff that would maintain the site; this includes training the person on how to navigate as well as to give out standard professionally worded responses to frequently asked questions.

But how does this scope of work translate to benefits for the company? To start with, a professional looking social networking site speaks well of the brand. It connotes a brand that can be trusted. It connotes a brand that will go the extra mile. It connotes uniqueness. It connotes striving for excellence.

Take for instance a 5-star hotel chain which wants to have social media presence. If it is done haphazardly by just a staff without proper training, then many things could go wrong. There may be grammatical errors in one’s responses to queries. The photos uploaded may not be professionally taken. The staff may not even know how to respond to negative comments. Contrast this if the site is managed by a professional firm. The background would suite the color scheme adapted by the 5-star hotel chain. The photos and videos uploaded would be the official and professionally done ones. The staff would be coached or trained on how to respond to queries and even negative comments.

Making sure that a site looks professional may be taken for granted by some; but for those in the know, this is regarded as one of the important aspects of brand building. One should ensure for instance that the 5-star quality of a hotel chain is consistent with what its social media site profile is projecting. All these can only be assured if there is a team of professionals like that in a social media consultancy firm that has experience in brand management.

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Category: Internet
Keywords: social media,social networking,social media portfolio,social media consultancy

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