Solar Panels and Facts About Them
Solar panels are the equipment used in the conversion of light from the sun into electrical energy. They are a packaged combination of solar cells that are interconnected. Many a time they can be utilized as components of bigger photovoltaic systems in the generation as well as supply of electrical energy in not only residential but also commercial applications. They are also called photovoltaic modules or panels.
But just how did these modules originate? The electric effect of light was initially recognized in the year 1839 by one A. E. Becquerel, a physics scholar from France. Through experiments he realized that light energy could be converted into a form that could be used at home.
The first photovoltaic cells were built another physicist, Charles Fritts who coated the semiconductor used in making the light sensitive cells with a layer of gold. At the time, the device constructed was only 1% effective. Over the years, the efficiency has been enhanced by advancement in technology.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the solar panels lies in their construction. The cells that trap sunlight are made using special conducting materials known as semiconductors. As implied in their name, these materials are partial in their mode of conductivity, the most popular being silicon. When stricken by light, a given percentage is absorbed by the semiconductor which implies that the energy that was possessed by the light gets transferred to the silicon. This is the energy that is used as electricity.
In their installation, rooftops or facilities that are isolated are of preference. This is so as to get maximum and direct exposure to the rays of the sun and hence ensure adequate absorption. Therefore, whilst positioning should be in direct sunlight, it ought to be ensured that there are no obstructions caused. Mounts are used in the installations. These are the accessories that are purchased with the device and varieties include pole mounts, flush mounts and roof ground mounts.
Costs are dependent on a myriad of factors, notably their quality, technology involved and also quality range. As is expected, as these factors increase, so do costs. On an average platform, their lifespan is about 20 to 25 years and wattage output reduces with time.
Photovoltaic modules are preferred for various reasons, the most important being the fact that light from the sun is inexhaustible and can be used for long periods without fear of depletion. With the constant fears that pollution is becoming a global threat, solar power is the next big thing because it is clean both to its consumers and the environment at large. The accessibility to the remotest of areas and little maintenance costs also make solar cells popular. Hence, in an overall sense, they are not expensive.
With all the good things that come with photovoltaic cells also come shortcomings. They are costly on initial purchase and depend almost entirely on the availability of sunlight and so are not reliable in its absence. Also, their efficiency is approximately 40%, implying the 60% of the energy is put to waste. As a result, it is realized that solar modules have pros and cons and are become more and more widely used with time.
Author Bio: Reduce your carbon footprint now! Solar panel installation is key to repairing our damaged O-Zone layer. Invest in solar financing and Solar panels today!
Category: Home Management
Keywords: environment,technology,energy,finance,economy,solar,investment,home,improvement,construction,family