Strategic Social Media Plan Creation

There are several social media marketing services that can be offered by a consultancy firm. One of which is strategic social media plan creation. This is done because of the proliferation of different types of social media which in fact may not be right for every company. An experienced consultancy company would know that research should be done as to the particular needs of the client. An industry study also has to be done in order to know the external forces affecting one’s business. Only then could the consultancy firm pinpoint the social media tools that are best and right for the company. Afterwhich, the right tools can be integrated to draw the plan which would help win new customer or create loyal ones for the company.

A social media plan is similar to a business plan. Goals are first discussed, as well as the type of audience that the company wants to reach. The social networking site ideas are discussed as well during the design of the plan. The consultancy firm then has to review some of the industry specific requirements for the site. Such requirements have to be considered in order to ensure utmost impact once the site is up. Lastly, the consultancy firm needs to assess the site maintenance needs and any other assistance on their part once the site goes live.

Taking into account this process in strategic social media plan creation, we can consider for instance a news organization that wants social media presence. The organization could first present to the consultancy firm, that their goal may be to have a venue for instant viewer or reader feedback as well as a means to upload the latest news swiftly to millions of expected site followers. Another goal may be to reach out to the youth market by utilizing social networking sites to deliver the news. Given these goals, the consultancy firm has to assess which social media has the functionality to suit these business goals because it is only then that this medium could bring in the most impact.

If the news organization expects 2 million followers, can the social network service accommodate this much traffic? Is the market targeted by this social media campaign, technology savvy? If the business needs to upload large video files of current new reports, does the site have the functionality for this or is it better for the news company to just put everything at their own website? How many characters of commenting feature does the site allow and is this sufficient for the audience? If tons of comments come in, does the company need a full time site moderator for this? Would they need the help of the consultancy firm to man the site? All of these questions and more need to be answered in order to create a successful strategic social media plan for the company. What is being looked for is a synergy between the social media offering and the business goals of the company. Only then can it be said that social media plan is right on target.

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Category: Internet
Keywords: social media,social media plan,media plan,strategic social,strategic social media

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