The Fog-Prone Double Pane Windows

The ever-changing weather conditions can be a problem for houses that have double pane windows. Whilst double pane windows are a great choice for its insulation features, one of its disadvantages is it is prone to fogging. Regardless of how good the sealant used for your double pane glass windows are, time will come that fog will get in between the glass panes. Fogging is more prominent especially to poorly sealed or old double pane windows. Nevertheless, defogging double pane windows is not rocket science.

Defogging a double pane window may be hard because of its complex construction. Unlike single pane windows, double pane windows have two glass panes, which have space in between. In this space, there is a certain kind of inert gas. The most commonly used for double pane windows are argon and krypton. Sealants are used to keep the inert gas inside. However, double panes that are poorly sealed can let fog build up inside. You cannot just wipe it up because it is in between the two glass panes.

In contrary, fogging in between the two glass panes of your window does not always mean that it is poorly sealed. Sometimes, old age can be the main cause. In fact, double pane windows will certainly accumulate fog because there is air that can expand when the glass panes are heated. When cooled down, the air then attracts humid air that sticks to the glass panes. If this is the reason and you are not yet ready for a replacement, you can just opt to defog your double pane windows. It is not as daunting as it sounds.

Most people will call a team of defoggers when fog builds up in their double pane windows not knowing that defogging a window is very easy to do. In fact, you just need a drill to defog a double pane window. Yes, just a drill. You do not need a lot of tools and equipment to do this. To start the defogging, get the smallest drill that you can find and create a hole at the upper corner of the window. It does not matter whether you create the hole on the left or right corner. You then need to create another hole in the lower half of the window. Make sure that the second hole is diagonal to the first one. You just need to wait for the double pane glass windows to clear up automatically. You can then choose to cover the holes or not. When you opt to cover it with a tape, you may consider creating a tiny hole using a needle to ensure that moisture and fog will not build up again.

Unfortunately, defogging your double pane glass window is only a short-term solution. The fogging happens because the continuous heating and cooling cycle wear out the spacer bar. Whilst the small needle holes can prevent moisture in between the panes, time will still come that your window will need a replacement. Nonetheless, there is no need to worry for defogging can occur 10 to 15 years after the windows are installed.

Author Bio: bi fold doors
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