The Low Down on ERP Packages

An enterprise resource planning program works to service all needs of a particular company by integrating all departments and activities into a single computer system. The two types of ERP software that are commonly found in corporate environments are open source software and commercial software. Choosing between these ERP systems depends on what kind of business is in need of such software.

Two examples of open source software are GNU Enterprise and Compiere. The latter works well for the needs of small to medium-sized companies, and is a particular favorite among those who work in the service or business industries. Compiere’s excellence is in its ability to change along with any alterations that occur in a company’s activities or model. The structure of the software is easily adaptable and can be changed by the company’s own production personnel so it is user-friendly. This software system allows users multiple views of business information derived from actual transactions, down to the last detail. The structure of this ERP system makes for the simplified integration of supplemental external information, as well as for maximized flexibility.

An example of an ERP system designed for commercial use is Microsoft Dynamics from Microsoft Business Division. Anyone in the market for this kind of software has probably come across Microsoft Dynamics AX, the super brand’s flagship enterprise resource planning software package. This software program like many of those designed by Microsoft is much-loved for its ease of use. It can be easily tailored to suit the company at hand, and other features include the possibility of internationalization and cutting edge technological features. After all, Microsoft is the world’s leading computer software brand for a reason.

Another ERP system offered by the company is that of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, a software system intended to assist businesses with their manufacturing, finances, supply chains, customer relationship management, electronic commerce and analytics. The program was designed with small to medium-sized businesses in mind. SAP AG is a company which produces the commercial ERP system known as my SAP ERP, formerly known as SAP R/3. This program utilizes a three tier software model to address the needs of both clients and servers. The three levels include the presentation layer, which offers an interface a client may use; the application layer, which contains all of the logic required for a business’s needs; and the database layer, which collects and makes a record of all the data surrounding the system, such as configuration and transactional information.

A software program called the Intuitive Enterprise Solution is designed for small- to medium-sized companies which operate in the world of manufacturing. The software is designed to help these businesses build productivity rates even as costs are reduced. The system aims to organize data, automate company processes and maintain an advanced level of flexibility and control. Because it allows the cost of manufacturing to be reduced, such companies will find that the software is a great asset in improving productivity, control and overall company quality. Obviously, a company must carefully select the ERP system that is right for its needs, and for the needs of its employees and possibly its clients.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently purchased ERP software from an online store. He uses ERP systemsin his business.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: ERP software,ERP systems

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