The Pros and Cons of Mass Transit

With the recent increase in gasoline prices more and more people are taking the bus in order to save money. Experts estimate that the average person can save around $8,000 to $9,000 dollars a year just by giving up their car! That’s a lot of money. They would be able to skip insurance payments, car registration costs, monthly car payments and repair and maintenance bills. However, is it worth it?

Taking the bus may involve sacrifice; for one you are giving up your personal space. You have to sit next to a stranger and listen to strangers converse all around you which can be very stressful. It’s a lot more quiet and peaceful in your own car. It may also be inconvenient to have to walk to the bus station. If you were driving you would just need to walk to your driveway which is a lot more convenient.

Cities which are known to have the best mass transit systems include Salt Lake City, Boston, San Francisco, Portland and New York. Parking spaces are near impossible to find in places like NYC; in a city like that it’s a lot more convenient to take mass transit. It may also be more convenient to take the subway if you are going to the city to enjoy a show or a night on the town. One advantage is that you’ll be able to have a drink or two and won’t need a designated driver,

If you don’t enjoy walking in public then taking the bus is probably not for you. Some people may feel uncomfortable walking to the bus stop due to safety reasons or if they want to dress up and wear high heels. Personally, I would rather pay more in order to have the luxury of not having to deal with other people. It’s stressful to be surrounded by other people and can be annoying having to overhear other people chatting or jabbering on their phones the whole time. Plus you won’t be able to do as much shopping as you would if you were driving since you would actually need to carry all the bags home.

Some suburban communities don’t have good public transportations at all. If you live in a big suburban area you may have no choice but to drive since cities may be rather far apart. It can take a long time to wait for the bus to arrive which will make taking public transit a lot more time consuming versus taking car.

If your goal is to save money and if you are low maintenance and don’t mind having to sit next to a stranger, overhear their conversations and walk in public then mass transit may be suitable for you. Personally I value privacy and comfort plus I don’t enjoy walking on the streets; I’m the type of person who has to drive everywhere. Therefore I prefer to pay more in order to have the comfort of being alone in my car. Your mileage may vary.

Written by Jacqueline Isadore – Used Cars Orange County dealer Mills Ford is a Car Dealers Anaheim with lots of deals on pre-owned autos. Chevrolet Eau Claire offers great deals on cars in WI.

Written by Jacqueline Isadore –

Author Bio: Written by Jacqueline Isadore – Used Cars Orange County dealer Mills Ford is a Car Dealers Anaheim with lots of deals on pre-owned autos. Chevrolet Eau Claire offers great deals on cars in WI.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: mass transit or drive, public transportation or drive a car, pros and cons of public transporation

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