Top 10 Ways to Lose Weight Before Your Wedding

Most people would love to look their best on their wedding day, not only for the person they intend to spend the rest of their lives with but also for those who will come to witness their vows. However, with those belly fats bulging against your waist line, and sagging part in your forearms, the outfit that you finally selected out of the many options available may not look that great on you. Losing weight becomes an urgent. Below are the top 10 ways to lose weight before your wedding.

1. Get busy. Do not leave all the work to the wedding planner. Of course beauty rest is a must to look really amazing on that very special event. Nevertheless, it will help improve your figure if you would keep yourself busy with some chores.

2. Exercise regularly. You can visit the gym and get your dose of machine-assisted work outs. But if you want to keep it hassle free, you can do an hour of jogging or brisk walking in the morning at any place you find suitable.

3. Eat several small meals throughout the day. There is no need to go on a strict vegetarian diet or totally deprive yourself of food to avoid excess calories. Eating in small amount each time you feel your stomach cramping can do a big difference.

4. Count your calories. This is not to cause paranoia over calories. Getting the right amount of calories is recommended the most. Eat light when you know you will not have that much activity for the day.

5. Level up your fiber intake. Fiber helps flush out toxins and unwanted flabs in the body. Grains, fruits and vegetables are known for their high level of fibers. Include these in your meals, or better yet, have as much as what will do to completely fill up that space in your stomach that you usually reserve for meats.

6. Get plenty of rest. Enough sleep is essential to recoup your used up energy, or else you will have to eat more than what is right to make up for the loss. If you sleep tight, you eat right.

7. Avoid stress. Stress can make you look old and fat. Stress can induce the urge to eat, and sometimes, the craving for sweets.

8. 8 Glasses of water. Water before and after each meal makes you feel full and aids in the proper digestion of food, thus avoids the tendency to overeat.

9. Wear a binder. Wear a binder around your waist to eliminate excess water and fats.

10. Get really excited. A high level of excitement, in many cases, helps trim down the craving for food. As the mind and body are both geared up in anticipation for that special event, hunger does not seem to ensue.

Learning the top 10 ways to lose weight before your wedding can save you from any scheme that do not guarantee positive results or have the tendency to impair your health. The target is to “wow” your significant other and see that mesmerized look in his or her eyes, and not do the absurd for the pursuit of an ideal figure. The top 10 ways to lose weight before your wedding entails safe and effective methods to shed some pounds and celebrate that special day free of worries.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose weight,losing weight becomes,losing weight,weight becomes,wedding day,wedding planner

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