Top Five Myths About Root Canals

Nobody wants to have a root canal, but is it really as bad as it seems. Anyone who has had one will tell you that visiting their sedation dentist for the procedure is not a day at the park, but it also is not any more unpleasant or painful than any other routine dental procedure. As a matter of fact those who visit their cosmetic dentist regularly for aesthetic issues will hardly notice a difference between procedures for whitening and straightening and a root canal. The difference is, following a root canal, your mouth will be healthier and your teeth will be in less pain. So why do root canals get such a bad rap? It might be because they used to be painful or because people have undergone the treatment without sufficient numbing. If the preparation for the procedure is done properly, you will experience hardly any pain at all.

Some people believe a root canal is the removal of a tooth’s roots. No wonder they are frightened. The image conjures up the idea of a plant or tree being pulled down to its very core. If you have uprooted anything in your yard, you know there is some wrestling and wrangling involved. So imagine this happening to a tooth that is already feeling not so great. The fact is a root canal does not uproot a tooth at all. It cleans out the pulp that runs into the tooth and the roots. Since this pulp is likely infected and causing tooth pain, it needs to be removed to restore oral health.

Another belief is that once the procedure is complete, the tooth will be like new. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Your tooth will never return to its previous state. It is relatively hollow and will need special care, such as a cap to protect it. It is no longer as strong as before, but the good news is it is also no longer causing you pain.

Some people believe the only way to know if you need a root canal is throbbing tooth pain. Again, not true. You might be headed in for your regular cleaning and find out the news that you need a root canal. Sometimes, depending on the problem, it might not be sensitive enough to cause pain. There can be a problem even if you are not blinded by terrible toothaches.

Finally, some people believe that pulling a tooth is better than having a root canal. Though it might seem like this will alleviate all of your problems forever, it is always better to keep your original teeth in your mouth. Saving your original teeth is always the goal, so if it can be done, that is the choice you want to make. And since suffering through a root canal might not be all that bad after all, there is no reason not to give it a shot. The longer you keep your original teeth, the happier you will be and the less you will have to worry about.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter visited a Houston cosmetic dentist office on his last trip to the south to study what new techniques are being used. His wife scheduled an appointment with a Houston sedation dentist for a root canal procedure.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Houston Cosmetic Dentist,Houston Sedation Dentist

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