Valif Tablets For ED (Erectile Dysfunction)

Valif tablets also known as Vardenafil is an oral medication for treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), it is phosphodiesterase inhibitor which means it reduces the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5, the culprit for erectile dysfunction in men, so that blood flow to the penis is increased that results to a longer erection that can last up to 6 hours. Valif tablets are not recommended for those who are diagnosed with heart diseases or high blood pressure, furthermore, those who are taking medication for chest pains should not take Valif tablets because it may cause a decrease in blood pressure to levels considered unsafe. Men who are taking nitroglycerin, nitrates or antiarrhythmics, those with eye problems, liver problems or kidney disease are advised to refrain from using this pill and recommended to consult a doctor.

Valif tablets are taken when needed so there’s no worry about missing a pill, it is only taken as needed like before having a sexual intercourse; it comes in 20 mg tablets, mostly, the recommended dose is 10 mg which may be increased to a maximum dose of 20 mg or decreased to 5 mg depending on the effectiveness and side effects of the pill, those who are prescribed with Alpha blockers may be prescribed with a lower dose by their doctors. This tablet should only be taken once in a day and a 24-hour turn around period between doses should be observed to avoid overdose, it is also advised to take the pill around 25-45 minutes before having sex and the pills action is felt in as fast as 16 minutes compared to others that act in 30-45 minutes. Medical trials prove that Valif tablets is successful in helping men attain a healthy, strong erection during sexual intercourse, after ejaculation, erection ceases when the increased flow of blood to the penis settles down. Medical attention needs to be sought for any erection that lasts more than 4 hours especially if it comes with pain due to the possibility of erectile tissues damage. It is best to consult a doctor first before taking this tablet to ensure this drug is right for you and to make sure correct dosage is given.

Valif tablets have been known for its low side effects and most men aged over 50 found it effective even at a lower dose. When taking Valif, alcoholic drinks need to be avoided and other medications should be stopped due to possible side effects, consulting a doctor for other things to avoid is highly advised and recommended. With just one dose of Valif, great difference in penal erection will be felt and makes erection more comfortable, relaxed and easier, thanks to Valif, having sexual intercourse will no longer be awkward now that erectile dysfunction can be treated. This pill can be taken with your regular food but it’s still best to take it with water. Smaller dose of the pill is recommended for first time users since the body is not familiar with it yet.

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Category: Advice
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