What Are the Alternatives For Living at Home For Alzheimer’s Patients?

What Is The Right Moment To Ask For Help?

As we all know, there comes a time we as caregivers are not longer capable to take care all alone for our loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease.

Most of us wait too long before we ask for help or assistance for the heavy burden of daily care. We must overcome our pride to admit that we can no longer cope alone. Sometimes we have to avow how far the disease has progressed with our family member after hiding that away for a long time.

It differs from one to another situation what help is needed.

Now and then you need some time to be on your own or to go shopping alone for example. Once in a while an hour being relieved from the burden of the care and responsibility. Maybe you can find another family member or a good friend or neighbor to nurse your loved one a couple of hours a week.

In-Home Care

An Alzheimer’s sufferer living together with his or here spouse is a complete different situation from someone living all alone.

In both situations there are possibilities for in-home care. Probably independent living person can not continue living there as long as the person living together with someone else.

Out-Of-Doors Care

With the progression of the disease more care is needed for your Alzheimer’s patient.

Some nursing-homes provide a day-care facility for one or more days a week. They have professional staff to assist the demented people and to provide appropriate activities.

Ongoing care will be needed as the disease progresses and your loved one is increasingly helpless. Then the time has come to consider alternative living options.

Depending on the level of care needed you have to choose from the different available possibilities of out-of-doors care:

– Retirement Home Where Assisted Living Is Offered.

People who don’t need the medical care of a nursing home but do need support with personal care and daily activities, such as housework and cooking, will find suitable accommodation in a facility for Alzheimer’s assisted living.

This kind of facility is the best for those who suffer from moderate disability but can move around safely without help and mainly can take care for themselves with a little bit of support.

– Specialized Facilities For Care For Dementia.

People who need more help and need to be more intensive monitored are best off in an Alzheimer’s assisted living.

The most of these facilities have more staff. The staff has had a more specialized training to take care of this special group of patients and these facilities generally offer activity-based programming. The buildings have secured exits and they have clear pathways and indications for specific areas, such as toilet, living room, bedroom etc.

– Nursing Home.

If your loved one really needs nursing care, then a nursing home is the place for him or her. In these facilities 24-hour nursing care is available.

There even are homes that have particular sections for people with dementia, including Alzheimer’s.

Independent Living Is Coming To An End

For all people concerned it is hard to be confronted with necessity and decisions to place our loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s in an out-of-doors facility. This makes the affected person no longer to be a free man or woman.

The relatives must in some way to say goodbye to their loved one and learning to cope with a completely new situation.

Both need much understanding and psychic support. One more than the other, but it is advisable to keep this in mind for the moment you have to deal with this situation.

Dick Harkes was confronted with Alzheimer’s Disease when his father was diagnosed with this awful ailment. Then he started collecting information about Alzheimer’s. He likes to share this information with everybody. Please visit Activities Of Daily Living . Or start at his homepage: All About Alzheimer’s Disease.

Dick Harkes knows Alzheimer’s since his father’s diagnosis with the ailment. He collected information about the disease, he now likes to share with everybody. Visit http://www.all-about-alzheimers-disease.com/activities-of-daily-living.html. Homepage: http://www.all-about-alzheimers-disease.com.

Author Bio: Dick Harkes was confronted with Alzheimer’s Disease when his father was diagnosed with this awful ailment. Then he started collecting information about Alzheimer’s. He likes to share this information with everybody. Please visit Activities Of Daily Living . Or start at his homepage: All About Alzheimer’s Disease.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: Alzheimer’s assisted living,Alzheimer’s disease help,assisted living,take care,independent living

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