What is Body Logic Therapy?

Body Logic is a form of bodywork designed to relieve a person of painful muscular conditions as well as the improvement of the skeletal system. The massage techniques used are soothing and quite relaxing which makes this therapy an ideal treatment for chronic musculoskeletal pain.

The therapy’s principles are somehow related and similar to other types of massage techniques that are focused on developing a proper body alignment. Practitioners of this therapy are aiming on recovering the natural alignment of the human body as most medical conditions are results of a faulty posture due to this problem. They believe that if a person is in need of treatment, the best thing to do is to correct the health issue on its roots. Difficulty or restriction in movement and flexibility as well as problems on the joints of an individual are caused by improper placement of the skeletal system which eventually ends up causing damages on the affected area.

A Body Logic practitioner is trained under the guidance and education of a highly skilled medical instructor for two years of intensive bodywork training. The comprehensive learning is important not only to prevent problems due to malpractice but also to improve the performance of the practitioner in order to provide proper massage therapy to the client during the service.

During the Body Logic therapy session, the therapist evaluates the physical body of the client by examining it through gently tractions that are aimed in getting the range of motion of each joint or movable part of the body. This assessment process lets the therapist know which areas of the body are affected with restrictions that causes the painful condition to the patient. It is important that the therapist works in a slow and gentle movement approach in this part of the session in order to avoid painful experiences for the client. Usually, these problems arise due to the tension on the muscles which cause stiffness and adhesions. Skeletal misalignment is also another factor which makes the restraint in movement and flexibility. The therapist then works on the client’s entire body by performing massage techniques in order to relieve compression and tightness on the muscle groups. The treatment is done with the client’s clothes removed but covered on the area not being worked on by the therapist.

The therapy works well in delivering the proper flow of blood, oxygen, and lymph to their designated areas throughout the whole body through the improvement of circulation. The treatment can also be used on pregnant women to relieve pregnancy difficulties. It is also beneficial in preventing future or further injuries from repetitive motion by correcting the placement and condition of the joints, muscle, tendons, and nerves. It is effective against body shortening as it strengthens and lengthens the affected body part. The therapy is also a great solution for relieving stress, fatigue, and tension. Anxiety and depression are also treatable with this type of bodywork technique. Body Logic can also be used on simple ailments such as headaches and migraines. People with sleeping disorder can say good bye to Insomnia with regular treatment of this amazing massage therapy.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about a genuine hot stone massage kit and hot stone massage in general.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit, hot stone massage

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