What is Dynamic Spinal Therapy?

The spine holds many parts of the skeletal system and is regarded as the main bone connection of the whole body. It is responsible for carrying the load from the head all the way down to the waist. Proper alignment of the other region of the body with the spinal column is essential for a problem-free and healthy constitution.

Dynamic spinal therapy is the type of bodywork that focuses on the re-alignment or correct positioning of the spine in order to treat various medical disorders and to promote health. It is also used for the rehabilitation of the joints as well as for the improvement and correction of poor body posture.

The therapy incorporates energy work or the focus on the balancing and free flow of life force or qi inside the human body. The massage therapist works on removing any blockage on the pathways to prevent future health issues due to this minor problem. There are many different elements and principles combined for this particular massage therapy aside from the Traditional Chinese medicine’s belief in life force. The gentle and smooth techniques of Swedish massage are also utilized in Dynamic spinal therapy in order to improve the physical state of the client.

This type of natural therapy uses various massage techniques that falls into three parts in a therapy session. Three regions of the human body are assessed and worked on during the treatment in order to create progress on the medical condition of the patient. The first part is known as the ear reflexology treatment where the massage therapist works on the ear of the client in order to evaluate the current condition and get to know his or her medical needs. A special stylus is utilized by the therapist in order to check the meridians of the body in order to control the balance of the energy. Precise manipulation on the key areas is essential in order to have an effective and successful therapy. The next part is the physical manipulation and structural realignment process where the therapist shifts his or her work on the pelvis and spine. This portion of the therapy session is performed while the client is relaxing on a Swiss therapeutic cushion. The bodywork is done while the patient is facing up and facing down. Corrective stretching and gentle rocking is conducted on the patient to help recover lost freedom in the range of motion on the joints. The techniques also help strengthen the muscle tissues and connective tissues of the body. The last part is where the therapist works on with the gentle massage to treat specific conditions. The therapy is quite relieving and relaxing which makes it a good treatment for stress and fatigue. The energy work also helps in revitalizing and keeping up the level of excitement and alertness at its optimum. Although the benefits and effects of the therapy may be seen on the first session, the outcome of the treatment does vary from patient to patient and depends greatly on who performed the medical care.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone supplies provider. They carry products such as massage rocks, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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