What is Greek Yogurt?

Made by fermenting milk, yogurt is one of the commonly used milk products across the world. Known to be high in nutritional value, yogurt has also proven to help prevent many gastrointestinal related diseases. Yogurt may be made at home, or picked up at a supermarket close to you.

Greek Yogurt is one of the types of yogurt that has been a part of the Mediterranean diet for many years now. It is fast gaining popularity all over the world thanks to its thick and creamy texture.

Steps involved in making Greek Yogurt

These days, these are readily available in most supermarkets; but if you have patience you can make it at home too.

The initial step is very similar to that of making a normal yogurt. The milk is boiled, cooled and then a spoon of pre-mixed yogurt is poured into it, and the milk is then set aside to thicken. For this, you will have to place the thickened curd in muslin or a cheese cloth and leave it to rest for about 12 hours. This helps in draining out the whey or the water formed on the curds, leaving behind thick and creamy textured yogurt.

Some manufacturers may add cream or milk powder to enrich the yogurt. Whereas some Greek manufacturers add thickening agents or choose to boil the milk till the water drains off completely.

Traditionally this is made from sheep’s or cow’s milk, but many brands use only cow’s milk.

Nutritional value of Yogurt

One of the main reasons Greek yogurt has gained popularity is due to its high content of protein. It has twice the quantity of protein compared to regular yogurt. Greek style yogurt is made from milk and enriched by addition of butter-fat and also powdered milk. This additional protein helps you feel full, hence preventing you from eating more.

This type of yogurt is also low in sodium and carbohydrates, making it convenient for those who are watching their salt intake and have carbohydrate sensitivity. Greek yogurt is also very easy to digest.

Some manufacturers use cream to thicken the curds, so you should keep in mind the high fat content and then plan your intake accordingly. But thankfully, like many other dairy items, Greek yogurt too is available in low fat options. Though the basic ingredient of Greek yogurt is just non-fat milk and bacterial cultures, there are also fruit flavoured yogurt available in the market. However, the flavoured yogurt just increases the sugar content and decreases calcium and proteins.

Uses of Greek yogurt

Though Greek Yogurt can be consumed directly, the texture and unique taste of Greek yogurt helps it to be used as a substitute for mayo or other sauces and also as an accompaniment with many dishes. It is an essential ingredient in dips that are favourites with the people of Greece. Their traditional dip is a combination of yogurt, garlic, cucumber and essential spices. Another main advantage of Greek yogurt is that it doesn\’t separate or curdle when it is used in cooking. Thus helping you to avoid the use of cornflour.

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Author Bio: To hire a Personal Trainer St George, or for a free session at fitness boot camps, visit Sydney Boot Camps.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer St George

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