What is Huna Kane Massage?

The mind is a powerful part of the human body that is capable of controlling movement, thinking, speech, desire, as well as the healing process of the physical body. It is important to learn how to properly use it for the benefit of the whole body for a healthy constitution that is complete and natural.

Huna Kane is the type of bodywork that is similar to a typical massage therapy session, however counseling is added to the treatment in order to boost up the effect to the physical health by manipulating the mind of the client. It is a form of healing modality used by the ancient Hawaiian people on their royalties such as their kings and queens in order to attain physical, mental, and emotional healing. The counseling creates a feel-good sensation to the client as it encourages the mind and body connection to trigger the body’s self-healing abilities in order to quicken and improve the recovery process.

Huna Kane bases its roots on the traditional practices and principles of the Hawaiian Huna wisdom. Practitioners of this massage technique emphasize that there is indeed a connection with the mind and body as emotions are stored within the human body. Negative emotions are needed to be removed from the body though in order to keep it health and free from physical conditions due to these entrapped feelings. It is a practice that believes in the importance of the interconnection between the body and the mind in order to create complete wellness to the patient. The therapy is regarded as the “inner knowing of the Higher Self” which applies the importance of self awareness and alertness during the treatment session. The whole therapy session points out the need for balance as well as peace and harmony not only to your body but also to the mind and spirit.

During the therapy session of a Huna Kane massage, the masseuse focus on providing harmony and balance on the body and mind. He or she also provides a soothing and calming effect to the patient in order for the whole treatment to be successful and effective. The therapist manually manipulates the human body using various massage strokes and techniques that are designed to improve and regain the physical integrity of the patient. Throughout the therapy session, the massage therapist talks with the client as he or she performs hands-on methods on the various parts of the body. In doing so, the patient reacts much better to the healing modality with a clear conscience, and a brighter mood. The therapist also helps the person he or she is treating to understand how the body has its own way of treating and correcting itself from the abnormalities, dysfunctions, and conditions that are constantly battering it.

The benefits of the therapy includes the release of negative emotions that results to physical pain as well, relief from stress, fatigue, and tension, calm feelings, energy balance and improved life force circulation, improves the quality of life, boosts the immunity, enhancing lymphatic drainage and creates a free flowing blood and oxygen circulation, fights off painful experiences.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones supplies provider. They carry products such as basalt stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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