What is Hydrotherapy Massage?

Water is known as a source of life not only for human beings but also to animals and plants. It is essential for proper growth, quality life, and a healthy lifestyle. Without this, there will be health consequences, with water; there is not only life but also the power to improve the condition of the living.

Hydrotherapy massage is the type of healing modality that uses the healing aid of water in association with massage therapy during the therapy session. Hot and cold water are both used in a therapy session depending on the medical needs and current health condition of the patient. Basically, the use of the fluid substance’s varying temperature is based on a case to case basis as it has no standard practice.

The history of the use of water in massage therapy can be traced in the ancient centuries dating back to the time the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans were utilizing it in spas, pools, and other luxurious methods that associates the use of the essential substance. However, it was not until Father Sebastian Kneipp developed the practice of using water to treat the human body from sickness, diseases, and conditions. He is a Bavarian monk educated in the essential use and benefits of liquid when utilized in therapies that can help revitalize the body. He also emphasize the benefits of manually working on a client while on the water involves no resistance in terms of gravity that can cause injuries to the hands of the massage therapist.

In a massage therapy session, the client is asked to wear bathing suit or tight clothes that will not block or create inconvenience in the part of the therapist. Once ready, the therapist will ask the patient to get inside a tub, pool, or any structure that holds water in it. The water used will vary depending on the assessment of the therapist on the health of the client. Warm water is used for opening up the patient, releasing tension, relaxing and soothing the body and mind. On the other hand, cold water is used for stimulation as it revives and revitalizes the physical body of the client. It is also used in constriction purposes on superficial blood vessels and as a way to divert blood to the internal organs. Cold bath usually ranges in temperature from 10 to 21 degree Celsius and is followed by a neutral bath to relax the body. While being submerged on the water, the client is massaged with a gentle massage method. Swedish massage technique is usually used on this type of relaxing and luxurious body treatment. The massage therapist manipulates hands-on massage strokes and techniques that can relieve body pain, improve circulation, enhance respiratory function, promote lymphatic drainage, treats headaches and migraines, and other medical conditions. The technique uses variations depending also on the preference and requests of the client.

Considerations and researches are needed prior to trying the aquatic technique in order to stay away from harm’s way. The contraindications to the treatment include pregnancy, elderly individuals with fragile bone structure and weak respiratory system, diabetes, and infectious skin diseases.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stones supplies provider. They carry products such as basalt stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stones basalt stones

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