When Kids Share A Bedroom – Design Ideas For Both Personalities

Decorating a bedroom for just one child is definitely easier compared to decorating and designing a shared bedroom. There a lot of things for you to take into consideration like the children’s personalities. There will be a need for you to select the decorations, themes and paint colors that will please both of them. Remember that your children have different personalities, likes, dislikes and interests. This is why you have to carefully decide on the bedroom design and decoration. Better yet, you can ask some suggestions from them on what colors they like just to get an idea on what to do. And for more help, you can take a look into some design and decorating ideas below.

When it comes to the theme of the room, you just have to base it on their gender. For instance, if the children who are sharing the same bedroom are both girls, a fairytale theme would be great. Fairytales like Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are really popular to children so they would love see them in their bedroom. But if you have two boys sharing with one bedroom, it is more ideal to opt for a sports or space theme. Boys are not that into fairytales like girls. But of course, it is also a good idea to ask your children about your chosen theme and make sure that both of them agree to the theme.

Because it is a shared bedroom, you will eventually need two beds. You can place one bed on one side of the room and another on the opposite side. Consider some room dividers as well so that each child will have their own space. You actually do not need to install a wall in the middle of the room to properly divide the space. Placing a floor runner in between the two beds can already divide the room. Then you can also place a furniture piece or a dresser against the wall, in line with the floor runner for further space division.

And of course, when choosing for the beddings, beds, desks, furniture pieces and other things that will be placed inside the bedroom, you have to take note that the designs/colors should compliment to the theme or the other way around. This is to make sure that the bedroom will not look irritating to everyone’s eyes. Then add some wall decals, toys and other stuffs that are supposed to be in a child’s room. In this way, your children will really like to stay in their room.

Therefore, if you want what’s best for your children, then make use of the decorating and design ideas that were mentioned above. Such ideas will surely help you in transforming an ordinary bedroom into a very wonderful place for your children. Let your imagination and creativity work. Just put yourself in your children’s shoes and then see things the way they see them. And lastly, be resourceful so that you can save a few bucks.

Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for Sensoryedge.com which sells classroom rugs and kids rugs as well as a host of additional products.

Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for http://Sensoryedge.com which sells classroom rugs and kids rugs as well as a host of additional products.

Author Bio: Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for Sensoryedge.com which sells classroom rugs and kids rugs as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: bedroom design,bedroom design ideas,shared bedroom,kids share bedroom,design ideas

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