When Looking For a Job

The task of looking for a job when you are in the 50 and over demographic can be quite daunting and even discouraging. Whether laid off, considering a career change, or re-entering the workforce after attempting an early retirement, the process of where to start can be overwhelming.

It may even feel impossible to compete against those young, fresh faces emerging from their college education. There are a number of benefits for companies that want to hire a well seasoned employee. On the other hand, there are a number of options for those older employment seekers to utilize in grabbing the attention of employers when looking for a job.

While many like to believe that all types of discrimination are behind us, there are many forms still evident when it comes to job hunting. Age discrimination in particular does still take place rather frequently.

Despite the depth of their experience, life skills, and strong work ethic employers have a tendency to favor the younger applicant during the hiring process. According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, there has to be legitimate reasoning not related to age when making any employment related decisions, such as in hiring, promotions, and lay-offs.

This specifically protects those over the age of 40 that are working for or looking for a job with a company employing more than 20 employees. Grievances regarding age prejudice should be made to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Regardless of the various biases that companies may have regarding employees 50 and over, they can be a huge asset to any company that is thinking about future growth. When those in this age bracket are looking for a job, it is important to emphasize the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their years of experience.

With many people choosing to work longer nowadays, they are more prone to stick with a position they acquire later in life to build up a comfortable retirement portfolio. While younger employees are willing to work longer hours and accept lower wages, those over 50 can bring extremely valuable qualifications that only a highly experienced employee has to offer.

Many career seekers over 50 aren’t quite sure where to begin when they find themselves in need of employment. Whether laid off unexpectedly or choosing to un-retire, there are numerous searching aspects to focus on.

A great place to start is the American Association for Retired People’s (AARP) published listing of the best employers for those over the age of 50. The companies making the cut cater to the older employee with flex-time, retraining, and job sharing.

Touching base with an employment agency that focuses on placing such employees may also prove to be effective. It is a great idea to consider looking for a job in an industry that would consider an older age to be beneficial, such as work with the elderly or homeless.

It is crucial to stay up-to-date with current training and applicable technology to ensure the highest level of competitive status when up against the younger generation. This, along with recent work achievements, should be communicated on a current resume. The self employment route is always an option as well.

Conducting an employment search at any age, especially over the age of 50, should not be the overwhelming task many people think it is. It is important to focus on the time tested qualities one can bring to the position and prove that age is just a number.

Careermode is an expert in choosing a career, or being self employed and finding jobs for those over 50.

When looking for help with your career please visit us at http://www.careermode.com/

Author Bio: Careermode is an expert in choosing a career, or being self employed and finding jobs for those over 50.

Category: Finances
Keywords: jobs for those over 50, jobs for seniors, career builder, earn at home, job opportunities, career

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