3 Tips For Using Search Engine Optimization Properly

If you are an article marketer, blogger, or just a webmaster you need to know how to use search engine optimization properly. This is a very important part of marketing online and this is how you get listed higher on the search engines. Being listed higher on the search engines means more traffic, more customers, and more money in your pocket.

There are many things you can do to make sure you are using search engine optimization properly, but the most important things are based around your keyword phrase. This is the phrase you want others to search for and find your website or article at the top of the rankings. This needs to be at least 3 words long like \”Custom Golf Clubs\”. The longer it is the more targeted you will be and the less competition you will have for the top spots.

The Top 3 Tips for Using your Keyword Phrase with Proper Search Engine Optimization

1. Where to use it

Using your keyword phrase in the proper places will make a huge difference. You want to use it in the title to give you the proper search engine optimization right from the beginning of your page, post, or article. Then, you want to use it in the first sentence, last sentence, and about once for every 150 words in between.

This will give you the best chance of getting the right keyword density and using SEO properly to make sure you get listed as high as possible on the search engines. It all starts with the keyword phrase and using it properly is very important. If you use too much or too little it can have a negative effect on your ranking.

2. How to Use it

There are two major things to know about search engine optimization and how to use your keyword phrase properly. One, you must use it naturally so that your piece reads well. Two, you want to bold it one time, underline it one time, and italicize it one time as well. This will help to make your site more SEO friendly.

3. Linking with it

The last thing you want to do with your keyword phrase is link with it. You want to link from other posts on your site to the one you are working on with the keyword phrase. You also want a link somewhere in the posts that uses the keyword phrase and links to an external website or blog. If you are writing an article simply use the link with your phrase in the resource box or author bio box back to your site or blog.

A Few Extra Search Engine Optimization Tips

Another thing you can do with search engine optimization to help boost your ranking is you can put up an image with an ALT tag that contains your keyword phrase. This is about all you need to know about the actual keyword phrase and using it on your actual website or blog. The last tip below is an external tip that will help you once your post or page is published.

After you have your post or your page live for everybody to see you need to build backlinks to it. You want to write articles and use the keyword phrase of your post or page in the resource box as a link back to the post. You can also create links in other ways that lead back to your post or page; just remember to use the keyword phrase you are targeting for the best possible search engine optimization.

Discover more Search Engine OptimizationTips Here Get your Free Article Marketing Guide From the Master Article Marketer Here

Find out more about Search Engine Optimization and get a FREE guide here: http://masterarticlemarketer.com/search-engine-optimization AND http://masterarticlemarketer.com/

Author Bio: Discover more Search Engine OptimizationTips Here Get your Free Article Marketing Guide From the Master Article Marketer Here

Category: Marketing
Keywords: search engine optimization, search engine optimization tips, best search engine optimization

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