A Banner Stand: Life of the Party

A banner stand is one of most commonly used tools at trade fairs, exhibitions and conventions. They are used by a wide variety of people, anyone from artists to business people. The banner itself needs to be able to stand out from the crowd and be interesting enough for the onlooking audience to read further.

Another even where banners are commonly used is at college open days. Various departments will adverse themselves out to the prospective students, trying to catch the eyes of anyone who may interested in taking up a particular subject.

The display shown is one of the most important things. Dull colors and poor font or writing will not really stand out as much as brighter colors would. Some people advise against using the color red, as it appears to be too aggressive: blue is said to have a very calming effect on some people so perhaps when designing a banner it may be important to take all of this information into account.

The writing itself should be as clear as crystal to everyone. Do not use colors that may clash with the background of the piece. For example, using a light baby blue color against a red background, although not difficult to read, does tend to irritate the eyes and make people squint. When designing a it one wants to catch the attention of people and the best way to do that is to make it clear and concise. It should also be inviting to people.

The font itself shouldn\’t be too obscure to read, depending on the subject one may want to use different fonts. If it were for an example a banner about studying Celtic mythology, a Celtic-style script might be the best option.

The spelling, grammar and punctuation of the banner\’s message should also be correct. Naturally this will depend on the type of situation one is in. At a trade or a job fair, it goes without saying. Incorrect spelling and grammar will not look professional and people will not be inclined to take the message seriously if this is the case. Likewise with regards to college open days: make sure the message is correct. Slang and other terms can of course be used, but this again will depend on what kind of event it is.

Titles which are displayed should also be catchy and grab attention. Try not to make the message of the subject or job too long, of course. At a fair or an open day, there is so much going on and so many things to choose from. People are competing for attention, so the headline on one\’s of one\’s message must always be quick and snappy. Get right to the point, don\’t ramble on about something irrelevant. Keep it short and sweet.

Designs, logos and other little additions are also welcome additions to any stand. In this sense it would make the banner look interesting and give people more reason to pay attention. Of course, this is all to direct attention upon the product, job or department that is being promoted.

At Create It Displays, we manufacture custom portable trade show exhibits, roll up stand and custom displays as well as other light weight accessories.

At Create It Displays, we manufacture custom portable trade show exhibits, roll up stand and custom displays as well as other light weight accessories.

Author Bio: At Create It Displays, we manufacture custom portable trade show exhibits, roll up stand and custom displays as well as other light weight accessories.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: business,marketing,advertising,printing,computers,digital media,commercial,society,finance,services,

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