Are Discount Booking Sites Right For Your Next Trip?

Hotwire, Expedia, Priceline,, Travelocity… there are a dozen sites like these. Each one promises to get you the best possible rate on a hotel room, but do they really work? Yes and no: yes, when you use these sites you will almost always find a room cheaper than you would just walking into the hotel lobby; no you will almost never find a five-star suite with a view of London, New York, Seattle, or Lynchburg for $25, so don’t expect a magic bargain bullet.

The fact is traveling is stressful. Booking your hotel online beforehand has become the norm, as it takes one unknown factor out of an equation where so much can go wrong. Traveling is also expensive, and most folks like to shop around to try and find the best deals on lodging whenever possible. Enter the bargain booking sites. Each has its pros and cons. Sometimes you will not know where your hotel room will be until after you commit to booking the room-that is, not only will you not know which hotel you’re staying in, you won’t even know what part of town you’re going to be in. This can be a major problem for some travelers, although certainly some may delight in the mystery of the unknown.

Sometimes a site will not allow you any liquidity, that is, if your trip gets cut short, you’ll still have to pay for the room you booked for as long as you booked it. While some sites insist you can set your price, you must be realistic. If you want a luxury room, expect to pay a luxury price. If you don’t mind a room next to the supply closet, or a view of an alley and a brick wall, you’ll probably be able to find a discount. In addition, you may only be able to put in a bid once or twice in a twenty-four hour period. How frustrating! Basically, you should expect a compromise if you want a deal. If you are willing to take a gamble on location and amenities, you may be rewarded with a drastically lower price. If you must be privy to all the details of your room, you can still save, just not as much. The same policy applies to changing your plans.

If you get a great room for next to nothing, you probably won’t be able to get a refund if you have to cancel at the last minute, or even the first minute after you’ve paid. So beware the fine print. ith the fines some of these services charge, you might consider working through a travel agency instead. With a travel agent, you can speak directly to an individual whose area of expertise is booking flights, hotels, etc. You will be able to explain to her exactly what you’re looking for, and what you’re willing to pay, and she will help you get as close as possible to reaching that goal. Each of the third-party booking sites has its merits, but if you are unsure, take your business to an expert

Dabney Properties is the leading extended stay provider of alternative Fort Lee military accommodation which provides a far more comfortable alternative to costly hotels and still remains within military TDY allowances. is the leading extended stay provider of alternative Fort Lee military accommodation which provides a far more comfortable alternative to costly hotels and check out

Author Bio: Dabney Properties is the leading extended stay provider of alternative Fort Lee military accommodation which provides a far more comfortable alternative to costly hotels and still remains within military TDY allowances.

Category: Travel
Keywords: Rent, Family, Travel, Tips, Advice, Business

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