Artificial Christmas Trees Buying Guide

Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a time of giving and a time of enjoying the holidays. No Christmas is complete without a pine tree. It is the standard symbol of the occasion and people invest a lot of time and money looking for the perfect tree for their home. Real Christmas trees are tough for the environment as they involve cutting down a tree which means carbon dioxide is not absorbed from the air as it should. Real Christmas trees are also very expensive and inconvenient as the bristles fall naturally and one has to keep the area clean always.

An artificial Christmas tree is a better option as it can be used over and over again every year while still having the brand new look when it was first bought. Times are tough in this economy so there is no need to buy a real tree every year and spend hundreds of dollars when an artificial one can be recycled for use. An artificial tree is also cost effective as it does not need to be watered and once bought it does not need to be transferred from place to place as with a real tree. Artificial trees can be kept up as long as possible for those who are attached to the holidays but real ones rot and may have to be taken down immediately after the holiday season.

Artificial trees however are said to have a negative impact on the environment. They are usually made of PVC and metals. The plastic is not bio degradable and thus leaves a large carbon footprint as it waits to decompose. Real Christmas trees are currently recycled to reduce cutting down of fresh trees. It has been said that each real tree provides oxygen for about eighteen people. The process which is called treecycling involves returning the tree to the environment and using its parts for manure and gardening. As much as artificial trees offer convenience, real Christmas trees offer jobs for thousands of Americans compared to the artificial ones.

Buying an artificial Christmas tree is cost effective and the money saved can be used to buy more Christmas presents for the family or even add more decoration to the home. Artificial trees are also adored for not causing allergies like the real Christmas trees do. When buying artificial Christmas trees, one does not need to have a car with them. They are packaged in a way that allows them to be light and portable. The con to an artificial Christmas tree is that it has that fake and wannabe look for a Christmas tree that would make people wonder if money was the problem in selecting such a tree. Artificial Christmas trees unlike the real trees offer more choices when it comes to the colors, sizes and shapes. One can also customize their artificial Christmas tree to suit the decor of their home. The petroleum in the artificial tree is not biodegradable and so may have that gas smell that can be a turn off to guests at the Christmas party.

Written by Kelly Perry for, where you can find artificial Christmas trees, patio heaters and other quality home goods.

Written by Kelly Perry for, where you can find artificial Christmas trees, patio heaters and other quality home goods.

Author Bio: Written by Kelly Perry for, where you can find artificial Christmas trees, patio heaters and other quality home goods.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: artificial Christmas trees, fake Christmas trees, home, family, Christmas

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