Chipping Tips For Golf – The Short Game is Very Important and so is Chipping!

Are you the type of golfer that always has a wedge or a putter in your hands when you are around the green? Did you know that there is a much better way to get onto the green and closer to the hole? The best thing you can do when you are on the fringe or not very far off the green is chip with a 7, 8, or 9 iron. Here are the top three chipping tips to help you play better around the green.

The first tip has to do with your set up. The most important part of hitting a good chip shot around the green is setting up correctly. Now just like you would in your full swing set up you want to align the club face with your target line. This is just like an extension of a putt so take the time to read it and pick out the correct line. Then, you want your weight about 60% on your forward leg and you want to use more body and less hands in the chip shot.

The second one of the chipping tips is to practice this shot over and over again. When you are first working on getting the basic set up and the basic stroke down you should see the ball pop up off the ground only a little bit and run towards your target. Once you get a feel for the set up and the stroke you will want to practice to many different targets to get a feel for the speed of the shot and how much it will roll out for you.

The last of the chipping tips is to press your hands forward and make sure the hands lead the shot all the way through. One way you can do this and get better at it is to take one of the fiber glass sticks that you see others with at the range all the time (usually orange or yellow) and put it in the end of your club through the hole in the grip. Then, hold that on the front of your body and do not let it smack you in your side. This will help you to hit a more firm and proper chip shot.

The main thing to understand when you are around the green and you are attempting to chips is that the goal is to get the ball close enough to make the putt. You want to be very proficient at getting up and down when you are able to chip. All you have to do is get the ball started on your line towards the hole and you should have many good opportunities to get up and down to save pars and bogeys. This skill alone can cut 3 to 5 strokes off your game.

You need to spend some time each week practicing your new skill of chipping as well. Even if it is only 10 minutes once a week, you need to set aside some consistent time to practice this skill so that you can get very good at it. This can be the difference between beating your golfing buddies and losing to them. Plus it is always better when you do not have to use your putter from off the green.

Go Here: – to discover some FREE tips and to Lower your Handicap by 7 Strokes with this article –—The-Short-Game-is-Very-Important-and-So-is-Chipping!&id=3488638

Go Here: – to discover some FREE tips and to Lower your Handicap by 7 Strokes with this article –—The-Short-Game-is-Very-Important-and-So-is-Chipping!&id=3488638

Author Bio: Go Here: – to discover some FREE tips and to Lower your Handicap by 7 Strokes with this article –—The-Short-Game-is-Very-Important-and-So-is-Chipping!&id=3488638

Category: Sports
Keywords: Chipping Tips for Golf

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