Counterfeit Pens Help in the Fight Against Forgery
When paying for our shopping the cashier invariably uses one of the stores counterfeit pens to check that the cash is not fake. A counterfeit detector pen costs little to buy and the retailers rely on its outcome being true. However many people who have regular dealing with fake currency say that the staff can be trained to pick out forged currency by the feel of the paper it is printed on.
A counterfeit money pen is loaded with an iodine based solution that instantly reacts to a forged note. When the tip is rubbed over the surface of a fake dollar bill the bill will be left with a clear dark mark that denotes it is a forgery. If the tip of a counterfeit pen is run over a genuine dollar bill then the mark made should remain virtually clear.
Counterfeit pens are used by many retailers who trust that the counterfeit bill detector is capable of doing the job. But counterfeiters are becoming clever and have found ways of forging dollar bills that will outwit any counterfeit money detection. Experienced counterfeiters have begun to print forged currency on paper that is free from starch and does not react to any forgery test.
Some retailers have trained their staff so that they are able to distinguish between real and forged bills. Every post 1990 dollar bill has security strips and watermarks that can be seen clearly if the bill is held up to the light. The borders, serial numbers, treasury seals and portraiture should look crisp and clear.
Every counterfeiting case that is reported is investigated and there are heavy penalties for forgery. Every dollar bill has a wealth of security features and that makes it harder to make good copies. It transpires that there is only a minuscule percentage of forged bills in circulation.
The markers can be bought in stationary stores or online and they are not expensive. The fake currency checker pens come in a range of different shapes and sizes and they can be purchased singly or in packs. The pens come with easy to follow instructions and that is helpful in a large concern that employs many staff.
Forgeries cause financial loss that small companies cannot withstand and using counterfeit pens is one way of fighting back. Chemical pens are inexpensive and relatively easy to use but technology has gone one stage further and firms can now buy automated banknote checkers. These checking machines have inbuilt advance testing technology that is far more sophisticated than the counterfeiting markers.
When cashiers in stores are handed a pile of dollar bills it uses up valuable time checking each note with a marker and many retailers do not have that time to spare. Some of the counterfeit note detectors allow the notes to be checked at around the rate of 800 per minute which is substantially less time consuming.
However counterfeit pens continue to be popular with small retailers who handle smaller amounts of cash. Combine the pen with a manual check of the bill and there is every chance that few fake dollar bills will find their way into the till. Forged money is worthless and it costs the retailers dearly.
Protect your small business with a Counterfeit Detector Pen, currency counterfeiting and property theft are on the rise.
Protect your small business with a Counterfeit Detector Pen, currency counterfeiting and property theft are on the rise.
Author Bio: Protect your small business with a Counterfeit Detector Pen, currency counterfeiting and property theft are on the rise.
Category: Business
Keywords: Portable Cash Register, Royal Cash Register, Counterfeit Pens, Counterfeit Detector Pen, Counterfeit