Deciding If You Are Ready For Third Party Logistics
If you have a business that requires shipping and storage then you may want to consider using a 3PL facility. Whether you are just starting out with your business or if you have been around for a long time and you are just now starting to think about using a public warehouse you should make sure that this is the right choice for you. This article will discuss in more detail about this option for your business. After reading this article you will be able to make the right decision of whether or not to outsource this part of your business.
Whenever you get the basic services you are going to find that things are not totally hands off. Usually you will be the one that has to deal with the customers calling and asking about their orders even though you will not be the one that is dealing with the shipping. This means that you are going to have to call the company, ask about the customer’s order and then call the customer back and let them know what they said. Some people do find services available that will enable them to be almost totally hands off once they deliver the product but this is not always the most effective way to do things unless you entirely truth the people that are doing your shipping. Sometimes you may want to be able to check up on the people doing your shipping and make sure that things are going smoothly. This is a huge part in keeping your customers happy so it is a good idea that you go totally hands off right away until you develop trust.
Make sure that you are going to be able to cut costs whenever you outsource this part of your operations. Whenever you are just starting out the costs could seem pretty high but you should look at the long-term investment and how it is going to be able to help you with your goals. Don’t be scared away with a price tag whenever you are going to be able to save more money and time by doing things this way. Many times you may not even think to factor in the amount of labor cost that you are going to be able to save. It is important that you do so before you make your decision.
If you are primarily worried about cost you should know that since the company that you will be working with is located in the specific area that you are going to be using, most likely they will know where to go and who to go to for cheaper storage prices than you would know. This will save you a lot of time doing research and ensure that you will be able to get the best price in the end.
Now with all of the information that has been provided you will be able to make a good decision on whether or not you should use a 3PL or if you should stick to the way that you have been doing business.
Stewart Wrighter recently stored the overstock from his store in a Houston 3pl warehouse. He used a Houston public warehouse to re-box and transport his products across the country.
For more information about 3PL warehouses go to .
Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently stored the overstock from his store in a Houston 3pl warehouse. He used a Houston public warehouse to re-box and transport his products across the country.
Category: Business
Keywords: Houston 3PL,Houston Public Warehouse