Education Scholarship For Mothers – Getting Your Education Should Not Cost You an Arm and a Leg!

If you are a mother, especially if you are a single mother, then you can thank the horrible economy for one thing and that is the new programs to help you go back to school and get a degree in a field you might actually enjoy working in. There is a lot of free money available for mothers and some of it is in the form of an education scholarship for mothers. Here are the ways you can get money to go back to school.

Now even though there will be discussion of scholarships it is important to start with explaining the source of financial aid that most are afraid of and do not know much about. Student loans are a great way to pay for your schooling and can lead you to a much better future with an education. You do not have to pay on them while you are in school and you get a 6 month grace period after you graduate as well. Plus if you need to you can use up to 2 years of deferment before you start to pay and 2 years of forbearance before you ever pay a dime on them.

So since that is out of the way it is time to get into the education scholarship for mothers. Since Obama took office he has created a new program that allows mothers to apply for and be given an education scholarship of $10,000. This is a large chunk of money and this can pay for a 2 year degree all by itself at a community college or a state college. This will get you about half way to the degree you want to get and it never has to be paid back.

The last thing that must be discussed is how you are going to pay for the rest of your education without digging into your pockets. You can also apply for what is called a pell grant. This is given to those that make under $30,000 a year and the full grant will be about $5,500 a year towards your education. If you put this with your $10,000 scholarship you can complete a 4 year degree without ever taking out a loan or at least without taking out much of a loan.

The main thing is that you need to get started with your education because the more knowledge you have the better chance you have to move forward with your career. It is amazing how much that piece of paper that says you completed a degree in something matters. It shows that you are not afraid to put in the time and the effort to move forward with your life. Companies love this and want to hire as many people as they can that have a degree and that type of dedication.

Your future can be much brighter and you can get what you want out of life. The first step is to get your degree so that you can make more money to help your children have an even brighter future as well. This will allow you more and better vacations along with many other great benefits that you just cannot find in a career without a degree.

Go Here – – to Claim your Free Scholarship –—Getting-Your-Education-Should-Not-Cost-You-an-Arm-and-a-Leg!&id=3488663

Go Here – – to Claim your Free Scholarship –—Getting-Your-Education-Should-Not-Cost-You-an-Arm-and-a-Leg!&id=3488663

Author Bio: Go Here – – to Claim your Free Scholarship –—Getting-Your-Education-Should-Not-Cost-You-an-Arm-and-a-Leg!&id=3488663

Category: Education
Keywords: Education Scholarship for Mothers

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