Get Out of That Rut With Classic Film Viewing

Do you ever get the feeling that you\’re stuck in a box? Dragging through the same routine day after day, week after week, year after year? Eating the same foods, watching the same movies, listening to the same music, until you\’re ready to rip your hair out and bang your head against the walls just to get some variety in life?

Am I getting overly dramatic? Yes, probably so. But being stuck in the same old same old ad nauseum can do that to anyone.

Everyone at one time or another experiences extreme sameness. Everyday is the same as the last. When you wake up in the morning, you know there will be no surprises. Every day is a carbon copy of the other. This is just the way it is.

You know what I\’m talking about. When you wake up in the morning already knowing what your day\’s going to look like when it begins. When you don\’t even bother writing a grocery list anymore, because you already know what you\’re going to bring home.

Here\’s the thing.

Most of the time, when you\’re looking for a way to break out of that rut, you look forward. The latest music. The latest toys and gadgets. (5th generation iPhone, anyone?) New clothes. New electronics. New car. Tomorrow\’s trends, today. Right?

We spend so much time looking forward that we forget that there is also real value in looking back.

When Was the Last Time You Spent an Afternoon Loving the Classics?

Have you seen “Casablanca” lately or “12 Angry Men?” If not, or if you have never seen these two classics, you are in for a real treat.

There are many who swear that the movies of yore had more value before the advent of those exciting and extraordinary special effects took over the silver screen, overriding the necessity for plot and character development. In the movie “12 Angry Men,” for example, the spellbinding plot took the audience\’s focus away from the fact that it was all filmed in one location and the actors in it resembled real people. Strong camera work kept the viewer interested in the characters and storyline despite what was rather low film quality compared to today\’s.

Modern films rely greatly on special effects and complex technology to hold the viewer\’s attention. That detracts the focus from the real meat of the movie, the characters, the story and the overall ambience of the film – everything that led you to sit down and view the movie in the first place.

If you are not a film freak, perhaps the idea of caring whether it\’s the latest bells and whistles in filming technique or a satisfying vintage movie may seem a little strange. As long as it\’s interesting, who cares?

Websites are making these vintage gems available to us again, giving everyone an opportunity to become a classic film devotee. We can now appreciate the modern technology that gives us joy viewing the latest movies while savoring the unique elements of the vintage classics that make them so timelessly entertaining. One has to marvel at how these films of such artistry were made with such crude tools.

And, we can know what it was that attracted us to films in the first place.

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Author Bio: In the event you were interested in the previous piece, you are able to go check out additional similar content at Loving the Classics Reviews or this Loving the Classics Article.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Do you feel boxed in? Are you slogging along in the same old way, day by day, week by week, year af

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