How to Increase Conversion Rates and Make Money Online

Marketers commonly believe that a large amount of website traffic is needed to earn a reliable income with affiliate marketing. Typically, site visitors may be converted into sales at a rate of 1-3%, so affiliates try to obtain hundreds or even thousands of site visitors every single day to encourage regular sales.

Although using traffic in a brute force manner as an affiliate can certainly work to refer sales, doing so blindly can be a big waste of time, effort, and money. There are a number of things that affiliates can do to increase conversion rates on their websites, which helps to maximize the amount of money that can be earned, on average, from each new site visitor.

Boost Conversions with Targeted Traffic

The single most important thing that marketers can do to boost conversion rates on any type of product or service is to ensure that only interested site visitors are shown advertisements for those offers. This can be accomplished by controlling the type of traffic that a site receives by targeting particular search engine keyword phrases.

For sites that already receive traffic, it may be difficult to change the demographics of the site visitors. In this type of situation, affiliates should examine the various ads that they promote to ensure that they are a relevant choice based on the interests of site traffic. Generally, visitor demographics can be determined simply based on the content of the site and how they came to visit the site.

When a variety of subject interests exist on a site, it is important for the site owner to distinguish the areas of their site that are dedicated to a particular interest. Entire areas or even specific pages on the site can promote different types of affiliate ads to cater to those subjects. When targeted traffic is shown relevant affiliate advertisements, it will boost overall ad click through rates and especially conversion rates.

How Ad Placement Affects Conversion Rates

Some marketers do not put a lot of thought into the placement of their affiliate ads on their websites, but ignoring this can have dire effects on click through rates, conversion rates, and especially overall earnings. It is fairly common knowledge that people notice ads found at the top of the page and also on the left-hand side of the page more than any other areas.

Simply following this common placement rule blindly can also have negative effects on affiliate earnings. The real trick is to determine why people are visiting a particular site or a specific page on that site. Figure out the primary focus point on a page and stick an ad above, next to, or below it. As an example, a site showing videos on a topic will know that people will spend most of their time viewing that portion of the page.

When an affiliate can identify the reason why someone visits their site, they can use this powerful information to effectively place their ads in a position that will get the most visibility and exposure. It can take some trial and error to figure out what works best since every site can be unique in this aspect, but taking the time to address this problem can lead to higher earnings from stagnant traffic levels.

Building Reader Loyalty

A final tip for increasing conversion rates does not involve doing anything special, although it is a bit out of the ordinary for most websites to practice this strategy. Instead of just promoting affiliate products, try to get involved with site visitors.

Encouraging interaction with site visitors can go a long way to help them feel special and take notice of the site. This can lead to reader loyalty for affiliates, which can have a major impact on how much money is made each month. Interaction with readers can come in a variety of forms.

Allowing comments to be posted on each page of a site is one way this can be accomplished, which is commonly used by blogs. Even encouraging visitors to contact the affiliate personally for extra help can make a big difference. Most affiliates do not have or even want interaction with the people that buy things through their links, so offering this type of service for free can really help someone stand out from the crowd.

A wealth of information on affiliate website building SEO as well as a resource on various affiliate programs to include cell phone affiliate programs.

A wealth of information on affiliate website building SEO as well as a resource on various affiliate programs to include cell phone affiliate programs.

Author Bio: A wealth of information on affiliate website building SEO as well as a resource on various affiliate programs to include cell phone affiliate programs.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: niche affiliate,affiliate markets,make money online,SEO,home business,work from home,affiliate progr

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