How You Can Make Money Working From Home With Squidoo and Hubpages – Steps to Success

How You Can Make Money Working From Home With Squidoo – 3 Easy Steps to Success

Because of technology, there are lots of ways that you can earn money even if you are working from home. There are lots of social media websites, for example, where you can try on experimenting just like Squidoo, social networking space on the Internet that is free to use. This place allows anyone to create a web page known as a \”lens\” and publish it on the Internet.

A lens can be very important, helping you not only get links to your products, services and sales pages, it can also help you start or grow your own income online. To help you earn money using Squidoo, here are three simple steps that you can follow.

1. Ad revenue is one way of earning through Squidoo. You need to publish a lens. Once you publish it, you will see different ads that will come out on the page link that you just created. You are given the freedom to block various programs that you want to be added in your web page. You can do this even during the initial process in the creation of a Squidoo lens. The profit share of Squidoo is as high as 50 percent of the generated revenue with you.

2. Try promoting affiliate products in your Squidoo page link. To do this, you need to add links on the affiliate products you are promoting in your lens. This can provide with an added stream of income through affiliate marketing, not too much of a burden for you even if you are working full time in an office.

3. You can also earn commission if you want. You can do this by referring other writers of Squidoo. This will encourage other members so that they can bring in more lens writers as well, earning a portion of the lens master\’s income that will be shared among members brought in to the lens. This is another income stream with Squidoo.

It is not that difficult to earn extra income today. With the advent of technology and the skills that you have, you can earn money even if you work from home part time or full time. The internet is really a stepping stone when it comes to business marketing and promotions.

How You Can Make Money Working From Home With HubPages – 7 Success Tips

HubPages are one of the social media sites that are gaining popularity in the world of marketing and business promotion. Money can be very easy to come by with HubPages as long as you can write well. In short, if you learn to write little promotional articles and become knowledgeable about the web, then you have the potential HubPages recipe of earning money online with little investment of your talent and time. In this article, there are seven basic tips that will help you get started with HubPages.

1. You need to browse the online site of the HubPages so that you can develop an idea of the content and style of the site. Review popular Hubs (pages created on the site), taking into consideration the money-making avenues available there like Amazon and Google Ads on the pages.

2. Create you own free member account at HubPages. You will have an option if you want to sign up for Google AdSense and other money-making channels, but note that you can skip that step and go back once you have some of your own content (Hubs) published.

3. To create your first HubPage, think of any interesting topic and research on it to know if it is covered or not. If there are already Hubs on this area of interest, you can also use the same topic but with a different angle. For example, there lot of Hubs written about cats. But do you think somebody has the same experiences to share as you about your own precious kitty? No way! Go ahead and share your cat tales and tips.

4. You need to add pictures, too. Photos are needed to support your HubPages content plus to create an appealing look for your page. This can help you to rank higher with your score, as well.

5. Use social bookmarking so that you can promote your HubPages with links among your social sites. You\’ll want to send the links to friends, relatives and others who might be interested in your content.

6. In your page, optimization of your money outlet is needed. Here is where you\’ll want to make sure that you have signed up with the different money maker sites like Amazon and Google AdSense. You can also be an affiliate of HubPages and earn extra money through referrals.

7. The quality of your content is very important, so mention keywords of importance to your niche in the body, as possible. This can help increase your rank in the search engines. Just do not overdo it and stuff your content with keywords. Refer to HubPages\’ Guidelines, too, for the number of links you may have per Hub.

OK, the next step is up to you. Go write a Hub!

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Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing with Personal Virtual Assistants at and today at: visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!

Author Bio: Advance with Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing with Personal Virtual Assistants today at: – visit the links to sign up for their free newsletter packed with tips!

Category: Business
Keywords: outsourcing ,SEO,Search Engine Optimization,Virtual Assistants,squidoo,hubpages

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