Keeping it at Home: Alternative Fuels

Rather than become less dependent on foreign oil, America is becoming more dependent. Most American families have more than one car, meaning an escalation in oil consumption, even with the corresponding escalating price of gas. A few years ago, we would part with fifty bucks tops to fill our tanks, now it is more like sixty or seventy.

This expense has caused many a driver to downsize their vehicles. Swapping the gas hogs for smaller, more gas efficient models is the national past time. There are still people who can\’t let go of their trucks or SUVs, but they suffer at the pump with up to double the expense to fill the voracious tanks. Compact and hybrid cars are outselling the big dogs in every car dealership across America.

To lessen America\’s dependency on foreign oil and to attempt to bring down the cost of gas, many car manufacturers are working hard to produce cars that can run on electricity or use much less fuel to operate. A good example of this is the Prius, manufactured by Toyota. Prius drivers get up to 50 miles per gallon of gas. Considering that many trucks only get 12 miles per gallon, this is a tremendous difference in fuel consumption and therefore, expense. This gas saving feature is what makes the hybrid Prius so popular.

With gas becoming ever more expensive, and the economy decreasing as it has been, many Americans can\’t afford to keep serving up $150 or more a month for gasoline. And that\’s typically for just for one car! For families with two or more vehicle, that\’s upwards of $300 a month in fuel costs.

Lots of companies today are researching the possibilities of alternative forms of energy. Automobile companies are also working hard on producing more electric cars and those that run on alternative fuel such as that made out of corn. There have been major advancements in using substitute fuel sources in the form of biofuels. Scientists are even experimenting with recycling used cooking oil from restaurant kitchens to fuel our cars and trucks.

Our economy today is lousy and having to depend on foreign sources for our oil only adds to the already bad situation. There are many commuters who must travel one hour or more each way to work and back. Most of these commuters have no choice but to use their own car, so they must cut expenses elsewhere. It is a real problem when we can\’t pay all our bills because the gas pump is eating up our incomes. This is the reason why weaning ourselves off foreign oil is so important.

Many people in America have no option but to drive a car. I\’m sure we all would love to be able to walk or ride our bikes everywhere we go. This is simply not an option when commuting an hour to work on crammed roadways. We have to work to be able to support our families and pay our bills, and it\’s not fair to have a huge percentage of that go to oil companies in the Middle East. If we had other forms of fuel that cost less money, not only would it be better for our environment, but it could also drastically improve the state of our economy. It\’s important that we all stand behind companies researching new forms of fuel. Maybe, with enough encouragement and support, they could come up a fuel source that revolutionizes the way we think about traveling. Then all of our money could stay here in the United States and fuel our economy.

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Category: Automotive
Keywords: conserving fuel,alternative fuel,angie tewis,natural resources,gas,gasoline,oil,american made

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