Knowledge of Asbestos Can Save Your Family

Asbestos occurs naturally from the depths of the earth such that it is mined and made a popular component of many household items and construction materials. But it has been found out to bring several diseases and its ban has been implemented. Knowing about asbestos can help save your entire family from its health risks.

Knowledge of asbestos can save your family

Despite widespread ban on the use of asbestos, millions of the human population is still chased by its dangerous dust and fibres because there are still residences and buildings that were made with asbestos-containing construction materials. Learning about important things can take you to huge steps in saving your entire family. The rest of the article informs you of these things.

1. Asbestos cannot inflict health risks when it is in good condition.

This means that asbestos, particularly its dusts and fibres can only pose harm when they are disturbed in their locations or when the asbestos-containing materials start to deteriorate.

2. Asbestos fibres are so minute that they can mix with the air unseen.

When asbestosis disturbed, its fibres can become airborne without being noticed. Thus, the fibres can be inhaled and become resident of the body, particularly the respiratory system.

3. Being exposed to asbestos for short periods does not mean an individual would not have asbestos-related disease.

No matter how long or how short an individual is exposed to asbestos fibres, he or she is a possible victim of asbestos-related diseases.

4. Being exposed to asbestos and not contracting diseases for a decade does not mean an individual is free of asbestos-related diseases.

Asbestos-related diseases have long latency periods. An individual would not immediately show symptoms. In fact, it may take some 20 to 40 years before the first symptoms show.

5. Different countries implemented total ban of asbestos on different dates. 60 countries are now known to have total asbestos ban.

One of them is Australia that implemented the ban in 2003. Thus, if your Australian homes are constructed before this year, several structures of your house might be positive for asbestos. The builders might have constructed roof, acoustic walls, floors, and plumbing systems that contain asbestos before its ban was implemented on full-scale.

6.Asbestos-containing materials in bad condition can be handled and disposed properly.

No matter how bad the conditions of the asbestos-containing materials are, there are certified professionals who can handle and dispose them safely and properly. These persons are asbestos inspectors and removers who usually work under asbestos removal services.

7. The safe removal and disposal of asbestos can be learned.

There are numerous government agencies that assist homeowners and other individuals make their locations free of dangerous asbestos. Seminars and trainings are always conducted to inform people on how asbestos should be treated so as not to impose danger. In Brisbane, residents can get help with the Brisbane City Council. There are also private companies that offer short courses on asbestos handling, removal, and disposal.

8. Your Brisbane residence can be free of asbestos and your family can be spared of its wrath.

There are licensed asbestos removal companies in Brisbane that offer inspection, removal, and disposal of asbestos in residential areas. If you know or suspect that your home is a potential asbestos site, contacting builders with asbestos abatement services is advised.

This article was first published as an original content of the blog

Jane Starks is a writer and blogger who concentrates on educating people about the dangers of asbestos. She works with a team of builders in Brisbane that provide asbestos removal services. She provides various information to people through her blog about the importance of detecting the presence or absence of asbestos in their homes.

Jane Starks is a writer and blogger who concentrates on educating people about the dangers of asbestos. She works with a team of builders in Brisbane that provide asbestos removal services. Her blog is found at

Author Bio: Jane Starks is a writer and blogger who concentrates on educating people about the dangers of asbestos. She works with a team of builders in Brisbane that provide asbestos removal services. She provides various information to people through her blog about the importance of detecting the presence or absence of asbestos in their homes.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: asbestos inspectors, asbestos removal, asbestos removers, Brisbane, builders, asbestos

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