Little League Safety Tips

Every Little League coach should have safety in mind when he is out on the field with his team. After all, he is responsible for the children on the field, and should therefore set out a few guidelines to be strictly followed. Pitching machines should only be used by the coach and those experienced players who can safely use them after all, young players may not understand how a pitching machine works. Other than this basic rule, there are some guidelines that will keep the team in line and the coach in control of the field.

To start, there must be order involved in batting practice. Obviously, it would be chaos of all players were picking up bats and swinging at will, someone could be seriously injured. Therefore, it is a good idea to let players know that they must have permission in order to swing a baseball ball. There is probably nothing more dangerous in the sport of baseball than batting practice. Players should not be around each other when one is swinging a bat.

Typically, a space is set up, the batter’s box where a player can wait for his turn at bat, away from the current batter as well as the rest of the team. In this allocated area, he can warm up and practice swinging before he takes his turn at the place. Batting drills take place either in a cage or on a one-at-a-time basis. Those batters who are receiving pitches should maintain a safety zone around them, and remember not to swing the bat when anyone else is inside this zone. Other players should not approach a batter who is waiting on a pitch, as that player may receive a bat to the head.

Helmets are an essential part of batting and should be worn during both practices and games. Players who are running the bases should keep their helmets on until they have returned to the dugout. There is no reason that a helmet should ever be absent from the head of a batter, who may be accidentally hit with a pitch and suffer a serious injury. Batters without helmets may give way to a liability lawsuit. To make sure that no one gets hit by a ball, players should understand that they must make eye contact before throwing the baseball to someone else. Many players or coaches are hit by balls thrown at them when they weren’t ready for them. This is a simple problem to avoid, so long as everyone involved remember that eye contact must be made before the ball can be thrown.

A simple but important safety measure is to make sure that the dugout and field stay clear of all balls and bats. Having these items strewn on the ground may cause players a serious injury. Players must be taught not to leave these items lying around, and coaches must take responsibility and ensure that the ground is kept clear. There should always be a clear path at the entrance of the dugout, and no debris whatsoever should clog the field.

Coach Ellie Lewis operates a baseball website that offers a special type of pitching machine as well as training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. She offers a large selection of pitching machines on her website.

For more information about pitching machines go to .

Author Bio: Coach Ellie Lewis operates a baseball website that offers a special type of pitching machine as well as training aids and coaching/instructional videos along with lots of free coaching content. She offers a large selection of pitching machines on her website.

Category: Sports
Keywords: pitching machine,pitching machines

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