Mind Relaxation – Mantras, Chants and Affirmations
In the pursuit of self improvement, there are many techniques and methods that a person can use. Self introspection and meditation are the prominent methods of choice. There is another tool to use in meditation and that is the use of chanting mantras to release negative thoughts for enlightenment and awakening.
A mantra is a sound, syllable, word or group of words that is repeatedly written, verbalized, visualized or sung. The practice of repeatedly saying or singing a mantra is known as chanting. This repeated harmonic frequency or vibration created by the chant transcends throughout the body and mind.
Everything in the Universe has its own harmonic frequency and vibrates. Even the negative thoughts, stress, emotions, traumas, resentment, guilt, fears and anger collect in our emotional selves. Over time, the accumulation of negative energy and thoughts will actually attract more negativity. The harmonic vibration created by the chanting, is intended to absorb and replace all the negative energy from stress and frustration.
\”Mantra\” is a Sanskrit word of two syllables. First is \”man\” which translates to: mind and second is \”tra\” which translates to: deliverance. The literal translation of the word \”mantra\” is mind deliverance. Chanting intensifies and reinforces the intent of the mantra.
Mantras started in the Verdic tradition of India becoming an important part of the Hindu tradition and Buddhism. Today the practice is taught through out the Western world. The benefits, when practiced correctly, are real and genuine.
As we are caught up in the frantic pace of today\’s world, we do not have the time available for personal instruction and coaching in the proper techniques and methods of mantras. Fortunately, there is help for those of us who are held back by time constraints.
The practice of relaxation exercises has been in use for as long as history has been recorded. References to chants, verbalization, mantras and mind meditations are found in the history of most cultures. Recent scientific studies have shown that relaxation practices result in changes to blood pressure, brain activation and metabolism. In modern times, meditation has been used in clinical settings to reduce stress and even pain.
In today\’s hustle and bustle world, a person\’s stress and anxiety levels easily increase. Sometimes these high levels can cause a physical affect on the body and mentally affect your state of mind. An individual can help themselves by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.
A meditative state can be as simple as closing your eyes, taking a couple of deep breaths, slowly exhaling, relaxing your muscles and thinking a positive enjoyable thought. This can easily be practiced several times a day. It only takes a minute of your time, at your desk or work station. If you are fortunate, and work for a progressive forward thinking company that gives employees a break-time, you should take every advantage of this opportunity to practice meditation.
Your relaxation exercise can also be as profound as you want to make it. Practice in a quiet, safe and secure location, where you can set a pleasing ambiance and will not be interrupted. The use of music, candles and pleasing aromas is recommended. Make your surroundings as comfortable as possible and use whatever else that pleases you. In this type of setting you can practice your meditation and contemplate your thoughts as completely as you need.
One of the easiest ways to set the mood for meditation, is to listen to soft music while practicing. It is as easy as playing a CD or MP3 player with headphones. This is your time, make it right for you.
David Duane Wilson invites you to look at the information on \” Awakening Yourself. This is an excellent program by Dr. Joe Vitale. For more information and techniques for self help and self improvement, visit http://giveitathought.com
David Duane Wilson is the developer of http://giveitathought.com Take this opportunity to visit this self help, self introspection site. There is much more information available for your use.
Author Bio: David Duane Wilson invites you to look at the information on \” Awakening Yourself. This is an excellent program by Dr. Joe Vitale. For more information and techniques for self help and self improvement, visit http://giveitathought.com
Category: Self Help
Keywords: mantras,affirmations,chanting,self-help,self-improvement,law of attraction,meditation relaxation