New and Old in the London Summer Olympics

Modern Olympic games reflect the motives of Grecian events initiated thousands of years ago. There are political, social and economic implications as national teams come together to compete peacefully. In 2008 the Beijing games presented an important message about China\’s step onto the world stage. The London summer Olympics will seek to convey an equally significant message.

Any city that is offered an opportunity to host the Games faces challenges and opportunities. A large influx of visitors involves logistical and security problems. Acts of terrorism and social disorder such as riots and looting must be guarded against. In planning it is important to guard against excessive borrowing that can be unwisely spent on white elephants. Economic and social opportunities will also abound in the years leading up to the two week event.

It was the Chinese people who contributed largely to the success of the 2008 games in Beijing. Their friendly enthusiasm and super efficiency far outdid the expensive material investments and facilities. Such simple manifestation of the human spirit are free, and historically significant in the history of the Olympics.

London has many foreigners and immigrants so the theme of inclusiveness is a wise choice of theme for the games. British people like to think of themselves as being tolerant and accepting to such an extent that they have willing or unwilling surrendered their identity several times in their recorded history as various invasions have rolled over the island. Although others might not see it in quite the same way, British people think they are extremely friendly and welcoming.

London likes to think of itself as being both ancient and modern. It thinks of itself as a modern democracy and feudal monarchy simultaneously. This chameleon like ability to take on the qualities of new invaders and call them British is often apparent to visitors and makes them think of Alice in Wonderland. The fantastical balance between real and unreal may well carry through as a distinguishing feature of the 2012 events.

Real performance is a sine qua non of sport. Even the most overpaid and exhibitionist soccer players have to be able to perform on the field. The infusion of people with real excellence and real abilities will benefit the city by encouraging people to forsake their positions on couches or soccer field terraces and engage in actual games themselves.

The integration of Olympic events into the rhythm of London life will make a symbolic gesture about freedom and democracy if it works. However, the fact that there is a Big Brother camera on almost every street corner takes much of the gloss off the message. It will be tarnished further if there are incidents of rioting and mayhem. If the city copes effortlessly with the great influx of foreigners without resorting to frantic searches through surveillance tapes or police shootings the plan will have succeeded.

Climate change is now delivering summer days that are now even \’more lovely and more temperate\’ than they were in the days of Shakespeare. If the plan for inclusiveness works harmoniously during the short duration of the London summer Olympics the beneficial effects will be felt in the revitalized city long after happy tourists have departed.

A leader in sports travel and tours, Roadtrips provides travel packages and accommodations to the World\’s most popular sporting events including the 2011 Rugby World Cup and the 2012 Summer Olympics games.

Premiere sports travel company offers 2012 summer Olympics tickets, London summer Olympics and other accommodations for the perfect experience.

Author Bio: A leader in sports travel and tours, Roadtrips provides travel packages and accommodations to the World\’s most popular sporting events including the 2011 Rugby World Cup and the 2012 Summer Olympics games.

Category: Travel
Keywords: Olympics,sports,entertainment,tickets,family,games,travel,vacation,travel,business,internet,economy,

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