Safe Adventures Can Be Yours With the Right Preparation

If you are going out for an extreme outdoor adventure, being prepared can make the difference between thrills and disaster. You may have heard about or even seen the movie 127 Hours and were impressed by James Franco\’s intense performance. The best lesson to be learned from this story is to tell your friends and family of your plans before you go out into the wilderness alone.

Mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, camping, hunting, or off-roading in your four-wheel drive-preparedness makes the difference. If you have a vehicle, either for off-roading or to take you to your destination, pack it with the necessities. Fill your backpack with essentials such as water, a sharp knife, energy bars and other snacks, a cell phone, and possibly even a flare gun.

Why water? If you have to ask then maybe you shouldn\’t be going out into the wild. A sharp knife for the moments when you might need to gut a fish or cut your way out of trouble. Energy bars are not the best source of vitamins and minerals in a daily diet, but they are great for on-the-run or emergency nutrients. Rationing these in an extreme case can fuel you enough to survive until help arrives or you find your way to safety.

Extra changes of clothing are good if you can fit them into your backpack. Wherever you go, weather is apt to be unpredictable. If you are in the mountains or desert, the daytime temperatures can be extremely hot, while the nighttime temperatures can be extremely cold. Suppose you are off-roading it in your Jeep Wrangler among the fantastic rocks of Utah\’s national parks and you run out of gas? Of course, emergency situations are unplanned and you try to avoid them, but should one arise, you better know what to do and have the necessary supplies on hand to get you on your way.

Okay then, you have everything you could possibly need in your car. But, the battery is dead. It is you, your jeep and the freezing night air coming on. You can endure the night in your jeep, but what about the cold light of day? Now you need to plan your escape. You could use the GPS that came with your cell phone, but not only did it lose power overnight, you are in a no-cell phone zone. Now you are praying you remembered those low tech paper maps your dad gave you in high school and also praying you remember how to read them.

You cannot rely on technology exclusively even in the modern world. Batteries die. Signals get lost. Satellites fail. Just like reading maps, you must know how to read weather patterns if you are considering any remote outdoor adventure. Please also know where local authorities are.

Obviously, you have a complete car care tool kit in your trunk so you won\’t have to concern yourself with lacking necessary tools. Also you have extra gas, motor oil and a fully charged battery charger along with your first aid kit. Universal tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers and hammers can be very useful.

The best way to avoid a life-threatening situation is to prepare beforehand. Have a route mapped out. Mark down rest stops and landmarks. Research the terrain you\’ll be on. Once you do all this prep work, stick to your itinerary. You are less likely to encounter variables if you set goals for your trip. You can always plan to do more, but never change course simply because you have more time. You may stumble upon a hidden rock crevice that swallows you up and may never spit you out.

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Category: Recreation
Keywords: adventure,seymour kushner,recreation,fun,hobbies,outdoors

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