Springfield MO Dentist Sees Increase in Children\’s Cavities

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI- Children\’s cavities are on the rise according to Drs. Marc Barnett, Kelly Barnett and Tracy Davis, and they it is because of sugary liquids and the lack of fluoride in bottled and filtered water. \”It is amazing how much soda and other sugary beverages, such as sports drinks, sweet tea and flavored water, Americans drink each year,\” says David, who is a Springfield dentist at Barnett-Davis Dental Group.

Twelve ounces of 7-Up has 37 grams of sugar, or more than nine teaspoons of sugar, which is slightly more sugar than a 12 ounce bottle of Gatorade Thirst Quencher that contains 21 grams, or seven teaspoons, of sugar. Some of the biggest offenders are energy drinks like Monster. Sixteen ounces has 54 grams of sugar, or roughly 13.5 teaspoons of sugar.

\”These beverages really take a toll on teeth because the acid breaks down the tooth enamel which allows faster access for the cavity-causing sugars,\” says Marc Barnett, a dentistry expert. The latest guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reiterate that people are better off drinking water instead of sugary beverages. In June, the American Academy of Pediatrics released information encouraging parents to keep their kids away from sports and energy drinks, specifically, because they are detrimental and unnecessary in the majority of cases.

\”To make matters worse many people aren\’t getting enough fluoride because so many drink bottled or filtered water instead of the fluoridated tap water,\” says Kelly Barnett, who offers Invisalign. The dentists at the dental clinic have suggestions to help people fight back against dental caries. Knowing exactly how much sugar there really is in the drink-four grams of sugar is approximately one teaspoon of sugar-helps some people consume fewer sugary beverages.

\”Parents can help kids prevent these problems by avoiding cavity-causing agents altogether,\” says Davis. \”And combine that with excellent oral hygiene habits, regular teeth cleaning and fluoride varnish to keep teeth strong and healthy.\” A concentrated fluoride varnish brushed on teeth after a regular cleaning can help build up tooth enamel and reduce tooth decay by 40 percent, according to clinical studies done on the product. \”If you do continue to drink soda and sports drinks, there are some things you can do to minimize damage,\” says Marc Barnett.

Limiting the amount of time the teeth are in physical contact with the acid and sugar in the drink is helpful, which can be done by using a straw and not sipping on it over an extended period of time. Barnett also suggests rinsing with water after consuming one to dilute the concentration of sugars and acids in the oral cavity.

\”It is really important to talk about your consumption of sugary liquids with your dentist,\” adds Kelly Barnett. \”That way we can come up with a personalized plan together to reduce the intake of those beverages and replacing them with healthier choices.\”

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If you would like to learn about Springfield MO dentist Marc Barnett and other dentists at Barnett-Davis Dental Group, or you want to know more about our dental clinic call 888-543-6442.

If you want to learn about Springfield MO dentist http://www.barnettdavisdental.com/ and other dentists http://www.barnettdavisdental.com/meetstaff.php at Barnett-Davis Dental Group, or you want to know more about our dental clinic http://www.barnettdavisdental.com/services.php call 888-543-6442.

Author Bio: If you would like to learn about Springfield MO dentist Marc Barnett and other dentists at Barnett-Davis Dental Group, or you want to know more about our dental clinic call 888-543-6442.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: Springfield MO dentist, dentists, dental clinic,Invisalign,dentistry

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