The Benefits of a Geothermal Heating System

Heating and cooling can be an expensive business and we all want to do our best to keep electric bills as affordable as possible. Geothermal systems are a great way to ensure that those electric bills stay as low as they can get, as well as a great way to ensure that you are doing your part in helping the environment, geothermal systems utilize green energy to control temperatures inside a home. If the time has come for your furnace tune up, consider investing in new technology to both heat and cool your home.

As one of the most cost-effective ways of using energy, the popularity of geothermal systems continues to rise. It is one of the best ways to heat and cool the home and is much more environmentally friendly than those systems which use gas or oil. To work, these systems utilize energy found in the earth through source heat pumps. These pumps are highly effective in most places throughout the country, and the installation of geothermal pumps rises each year as more people learn about this type of system. A geothermal pump will use between 25 and 50 percent less energy than systems which use gas or oil, and 70 percent less energy than systems using electricity to control temperature.

If you go deep enough in the earth, you will find that temperatures stay pretty stable, around 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit. Even when there is snow sitting on your topsoil, there is warmth deep in the ground. During the summer, coolness can be found in its depths. Because of the stable temperature found in the ground, the pump can create cool air in the summertime and warm air during winter.

Although these systems may sound complicated, a geothermal pump consists of only a few working parts. The heat pump transfers the energy from the ground through a series of closed loops. These contain liquids which absorb the energy, such as water, refrigerant or anti-freeze. When the liquid has absorbed enough heat, that liquid is pumped through the system before being returned to the area where it will reabsorb the heat energy. To move this energy through the different rooms of a house, heating ducts are used. The heat pump is connected to a thermostat inside the home, which residents use to dictate the indoor temperature created by the pump.

These systems are loved because they are long-lasting and environmentally friendly. More than that, they are considerably quieter than the noisy radiators and window air conditioning units commonly used in older buildings. Geothermal systems do not need much maintenance and do not rely on weather conditions, as they draw energy from the stable temperatures of the earth. Some systems are more technologically superior to others; there are systems that use a number of fans and speed compressors to ensure greater household comfort. As you can see, a number of Americans are installing these systems for all the right reasons. They are both cost-effective and environmentally efficient, two things that everyone should want to capitalize upon.

Ellie Lewis has often called on the expertise of a Dayton Geothermal Systems specialist to deal with heating issues in her large office building. She scheduled a Dayton furnace tune up before the winter season.

For more information on geothermal systems go to .

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis has often called on the expertise of a Dayton Geothermal Systems specialist to deal with heating issues in her large office building. She scheduled a Dayton furnace tune up before the winter season.

Category: Business
Keywords: Dayton geothermal systems,Dayton furnace tune up

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