The History Behind Horses Paintings

For thousands of years, people have been capturing the images of horses. Paintings in caves and on all sorts of decanters, walls, portraits and the like have been found dating back to ancient Greece. These majestic animals have mesmerized the hearts and souls of people for as long as there have been people to observe them.

It was around the fourteenth century when art really started to feature horses. Paintings by Di Vinci often showed them at play or standing by in a stately fashion almost as if they were statues. These works are world renowned as are many others that feature the beautiful equine spirit.

The popularity of equine sports also grasped a firm hold on the art world. It is not uncommon to find portraits of polo players sitting proudly upon their horses. Paintings encapsulated the essence of the sport, especially in the countries where these sports are not only fashionable but beloved.

Since equestrian sports involve these steeds in various different types of athletic endeavors, it is common to find pictures of them involved in rodeos and races. They may be captured with a rider or pulling a cart in a race. Racing is a popular activity, and there are countless places throughout the world that host them.

Of course, there are other types of portraits that can be found of horses. Paintings of police officers in cities that still employ them within the police force are familiar to the art world. New York City is one of the more famous places where one can see a police officer riding through town on them still to this day.

Of course, they are also used in fox hunting, and people really enjoy being able to mount them for trail riding and other types of recreational activities.

During the past wars, they played a very important role in the United States. They were not only transportation, but they were also used to transport necessities or pull cargo wagons.

They were also used to deliver important messages and the mail. It is not uncommon to find them among portraits of the Civil War and many others.

All throughout the early years of America, they were so important that people were jailed for stealing them and sometimes even hung. It is no wonder that, in the art world, there are so many instances of depictions of horses. Paintings and drawings at one time were the only way to preserve a memory or an event so there are countless available from a historical standpoint.

Even today, they are still photographed, painted, drawn, and admired. Many people love these beautiful creatures and collect the art that celebrates their lives and their value in the past, the present, and the future.

Today it isn’t very often that anyone can watch them run free in the wild because a lot of the land that they once inhabited is now either industrialized or populated by towns. However, they can still be enjoyed galloping freely in a portrait of days gone by.

Betz Gallery is an expert in Giclee , horses paintings and reproductions.

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Author Bio: Betz Gallery is an expert in Giclee , horses paintings and reproductions.

Category: Culture
Keywords: horses paintings, artwork reproduction, art gallery on line, giclee, prints on canvas

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