Tips to Show You How to Hit the Golf Ball Further

The driver is one of the most challenging clubs to hit in golf but can also be the most fun. In order to hit the driver far there are a few key things you have to keep in mind. One key point to understand is the importance of learning to take advantage of lag and leverage in order to hit the ball further. Getting fit with the right driver is another key factor in learning to hit the ball as far as possible.

Driver club fitting:

If you are fortunate enough to know how to hit the ball a long way and generate more than 100 mph club head speeds then you should make sure to get a driver that has a stiff or even super stiff shaft and make sure that the loft is around 9 to 9.5 degrees. If your club head speed is less than 100 mph then you should consider using a driver that has more loft like around 10 to 10.5 degrees and also use a regular or senior flex shaft. Also make sure that your driver is not too long otherwise this can make it difficult to make solid contact on a regular basis.

As mentioned earlier, learning to generate lag is one of the secrets to getting more distance from all your clubs. One tip to help you get more lag is to make sure that you are not holding the club too tightly and to think of the golf club as a whip and use a whipping like motion to get more lag easily. Also avoid using the right hand too much as this can lead to casting the club which can also cause further problems that will lead to loss of distance and control. Swinging with balance is critical for maximum distance, it is fine to swing hard but make sure that you have good balance otherwise you will lose control and hit poor shots most of the time.

Swinging with a consistent tempo is another key element to hitting longer shots. Some people have a naturally fast rhythm while others are not as quick. Stick with the tempo that fits your personality for best results. A good tip to get more lag is to make sure that you transfer your weight well before you lower the club through the hitting zone. Another tip is to keep the club still at the top of the swing before transferring your weight as this will also promote more lag and distance.

Being strong is another key factor to hit the ball further so it is important to learn to train your muscles to make them stronger. The best way to get stronger muscles is through weight training. Find a nearby gym and join it, if you have never trained with weights then you should consider taking some sessions with a personal trainer as they can help you to learn the proper form and technique. Try these tips to help you hit the golf ball further and have more fun on the course.

Kenneth is an author and webmaster. Visit his site to learn how to lower your handicap with great golf tips, putting tips, golf fitness ideas and much more.

Kenneth is an author and webmaster. Learn how to lower your handicap with great golf swing tips, putting tips, golf fitness ideas and much more at

Author Bio: Kenneth is an author and webmaster. Visit his site to learn how to lower your handicap with great golf tips, putting tips, golf fitness ideas and much more.

Category: Sports
Keywords: hit golf ball further, increase golf driver distance, reduce golf scores

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