When to Get a Herniated Disc Diagnosis

Seeking out a herniated disc diagnosis is something that should not be taken lightly, and should be done after a few days of experiencing unexplained neck or back pain. Also, if you are experiencing unusual symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, or muscle spasms in your extremities, it is a good idea to seek out a diagnosis. In general, treatment can be more effective the sooner a herniated disc is diagnosed, if that is indeed what is causing your symptoms.

How Do You Get a Herniated Disc Diagnosis?

The only way to receive a legitimate herniated disc diagnosis is to visit your doctor. Many people fall victim to self-diagnosing their own ailments. It is perfectly fine to search for and investigate the root of your medical problems at home, but don’t jump to any one conclusion on your own, especially when it comes to the spine. There are many spinal abnormalities that produce similar effects and have similar characteristics, but, at the same time, are inherently different. Only a doctor can definitively determine what the spinal abnormality is.

The Typical Diagnositic Process

When you visit your doctor for a herniated disc diagnosis, you may be nervous as to what is going to happen. There isn’t really any reason to worry, and in fact, the diagnostic process is typically just a series of questions and simple examinations. First, your doctor will start with a questionnaire about your medical and family history, if this information is not already on file. Next, your doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms, how long they have been experienced, what activities seem to make them worse or better, and the degree to which they are felt. Be sure to mention everything and don’t forget the little details. After analyzing your symptoms, your doctor will perform a basic physical examination, similar to an annual checkup, to assess your overall physical health. The next step in the herniated disc diagnosis process is the neurological examination. This may sound slightly uncomfortable, but all it entails is your doctor giving you physical commands and recording your ability, or inability, to respond appropriately to them, taking note of any abnormalities along the way. By this point, your doctor has probably reached an accurate diagnosis, but he or she may want to order medical imaging such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan, to confirm a diagnosis or get a closer look at the condition.

After The Diagnosis

After your herniated disc diagnosis, you should begin the treatment regimen recommended or prescribed by your physician. This regimen can include simple exercises, physical therapy, bed rest, hot and cold packs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, a handful of other treatments, or any combination of these. Symptoms of a herniated disc have been known to dissipate within two months, but treatment for the symptoms can help to minimize them until they fully fade away. It is important to stick to the plan formulated by your doctor, as straying from it could prove to be detrimental and hamper the healing process. Sometimes, though, conservative (nonsurgical) treatment techniques do not solve the problem and the symptoms carry on. If this becomes the case for you, you may wish to return to your doctor and ask if surgery for your herniated disc could be a viable treatment option.

Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in safe and effective outpatient procedures for the treatment of herniated discs and several other spinal conditions.

Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in safe and effective outpatient procedures for herniated discs and several other spinal conditions. http://www.laserspineinstitute.com/herniated_disc/

Author Bio: Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in safe and effective outpatient procedures for the treatment of herniated discs and several other spinal conditions.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Herniated disc

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