Why is Having the Right Ski Equipment So Important in the Sport of Heli-skiing?

Heli-skiing is a form of extreme skiing that is designed for people who are passionate about adventure and taking risks. Heli-skiing is downhill skiing except you will not be taking the chair lift to the top of the mountain. You access the slopes by getting off a helicopter and hitting the slopes from the air. Skiers are actually skiing off-piste which means they are skiing on ungroomed terrain that is not marked into trails. When you heli-ski, you can make the experience safe and fun if you have the right ski equipment.

The mountain environment in which heli-skiing takes place is always changing and demands constant adjustments to your risk and safety management. Because the slopes are ungroomed and there is a risk of avalanches, it is important to have the right ski equipment to ensure safety. Equipment that is important to have when heli-skiing includes: fat powder skis; poles; and a ski backpack equipped with a probe and shovel. The guides will carry a backpack with a shovel probe, first aid kit and radio, as well as transceivers and rescue equipment. Avalanche transceivers are mandatory and a buddy system is compulsory because of the danger of avalanches. Free-ride or all-mountain skis are used by most heli-skiers. They find these skis easier to handle and use in difficult terrain and they spend less time looking for lost skis. They have also been linked with reduced injury rates

As well as having the right skis when heli-skiing, you need to have the right ski boots. It is important that the ski boots you wear are comfortable and have a smooth forward flex. The boots should be broken in as new boots can be tight and uncomfortable. The boot should not have too much pressure in the toes, ankle, or lower part of the calf.

Many heli-skiers will wear helmets when they heli-ski although they are not mandatory. The best type of helmet to wear is one that gives a low profile or

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