3 Dead in Oakland. Pelosi, Quan, Have You no Shame?

I remember your news conference, Ms. Pelosi, all dewey-eyed and bright, wherein you praised the Occupiers and said of them, “Bless them.” Mayor Quan, I remember yours in which you deplored, not the street violence, but your police force\’s efforts to contain it.

Well, Nancy, Jean, the Occupiers have gone to killing each other and themselves. Blood in the streets, and some of it will stain your own delicate, well manicured fingers.

I lay this at your door for a simple reason: you and your fellow DDFOs, Democrats Desperate for Obama, egged on these shallow, ignorant people until their head valves began to pop.

You and Biden and Obama and the rest of the Power Elite stroked them until their very real concerns spun up into a frenzy of violence. And the entire time you were petting them seeming to give them the ear of the Power Elite,


You and your socialist liberals, seeing your influence wane, having no more logic to offer, crossed the line in to your common refuge. You couldn\’t be part of that violence yourselves, so you stoked it.

So own it, darlings. And the blood. Own the blood.

Up to now you liked it. All the ructions and shouting fastened Obama\’s failures onto the evil capitalists. Union goonery got Air Time, Video Bytes, “traction,” in a media whose governing dullards were just beginning to slap a few of their own forehead and wonder to themselves, \”Duuuh, maybe we could get back some market share if we – call us crazy, now – if we actually reported news instead of hawking our liberal agendas. Duuhhh…yup yup.\”

The protests were tailor made for our liberal newsclowns. Here’s violence and disturbance in a Good Cause. Wow! What’s not to like?

Couple of rapes here and there, but hey, a lot of those bimbos were running around braless, tight skirts, you know, asking for it. Anyway, working for the Cause grinding out liberal dogma is bound to build up those old sexual tensions, and boys will be boys… Throw the victims a few bucks and have the union guys put a quiet arm on them and they’ll settle right down. Besides, it\’s not like getting raped by a conservative. Now THAT is \’film at eleven\’ material!

You knew the mainstream media would jump on the discord and violence like the jackals they are. You counted on it to distract Americans from the Slough of Despond into which your foolish policies have thrust us, by inflaming people whom you figure are stupider than you.

Perhaps they are. But you’re not stupid, Nancy, merely amoral. You have no ethics, no moral compass. There\’s no substance behind that wash and wear hair, only howling ambition. You\’re not stupid, Jean, just ignorant.

And now, a great quiet emanates from Oakland and the rest of the Occupy sites. A deep, black hole has opened up in front of you from which issues noises of lamentation for the dead – your dead, Nancy, yours and your power elite\’s who had a hand in creating it.

But look on the bright side! You now have what you want all along, martyrs to the Cause. Didn’t the Dirty Wall Street Capitalist Pigs actually kill them? Sure they did, baby. Sure they did.

Rev up the Victim Twins. Get Jackson and Sharpton out there right away to keep things simmering. Call these Oakland guys the Oakland Three.

Oh, well, maybe the Oakland Two, since only two of them actually died in an criminal exchange of gunfire. The other was a poor veteran who took his own life. Better not go there, or somebody might begin to wonder why he did.

But none of this is resonating quite as you expected. No cries for Liberal Ascendance, no demands for vengeance, not even compensation.

Ms. Pelosi isn\’t taking questions on the blood. And, struggling up out of her ideological stupor, uber-liberal Oakland mayor Jean Quan, who threw her own police chief under the bus for using tear gas and rubber bullets to protect the real citizens of her city, has actually ordered these folks to disperse. Maybe her personal quota of righteous death for the Cause has been met.

I ask you, Nancy Pelosi, and I ask you, Jean Quan, the same questions which, when posed publicly by a liberal lawyer to the ultra-conservative Senator Joe McCarthy, resulted in Tail Gunner Joe\’s ultimate downfall:

Have you no shame? Have you no decency?

Dr. Robert Beeman

Learn more about my current novel No More Time for Sorrow

I’m Dr. Robert Beeman, Political Independent, don’t speak for anyone but myself, not the Tea Party and certainly not the violent rapists of the so-called Occupy movement, but maybe once in a while for a few million of we tiny little voters…and I approved this message. http://www.drrobertbeeman.com

Author Bio: Learn more about my current novel No More Time for Sorrow

Category: Politics

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