A Quick Look at the Subconscious Mind

For as long as humanity has existed there have been a few questions which have been brought up and have never found an answer. Countless great minds have dedicated their entire lives to studying what makes us human and what really drives us… what causes us to behave the way we do.

While there are of course countless theories about this, ranging from the religious to the purely scientific, there isn’t any tangible proof of anything meaning the answer is still out there. However, there are a few points upon which most researchers agree on: there is the conscious as well as the subconscious mind.

On one hand, the conscious mind is what allows us to understand, analyze and be aware of what is currently happening, effectively giving us the power of choice. The conscious mind may be the reason as to why a lot of us haven’t been transformed into frantic mindless zombies.

On the other hand, we have something much more mysterious and complicated, the subconscious mind. While the conscious mind grants you the ability to make your choices, the subconscious mind does what it’s told to. To put this in a more modern, computer-centered analogy, many people see the subconscious mind as being an invisible system running silently which has for purpose to basically regulate our lives when the conscious mind is absent.

For example, many people observe how they can sleep tightly through some of the most horrendous nights filled with lightning and thunder. However, the sound of their phone vibrating will wake them up nearly instantly. This basically happens because the subconscious mind has determined that the noises happening outside are to be expected and bear no meaning, seeing as how the person is in a reliable shelter.

On the other hand, the subconscious associates the vibrating signals from the cell phone as an indication of something a bit more urgent and possibly irregular (at least when it comes to nighttime). If this example doesn’t specifically apply to you, chances are that the general concept behind it does in some way.

Of course, this example does very little when it becomes a question of illustrating precisely how the subconscious mind works, as the matter is much more complicated. Fortunately, there are many people who dedicated their entire lives to solving the human mystery… and lucky for us, most of them decided to share their knowledge and findings with the rest of the world.

A simple search in your library will have you facing down thousands of philosophy texts from ancient times until today. As time advanced, people who were looking into this matter became more and more interested in defining these concepts within the context of everyday life to see how that knowledge can be used to lead a better life.

One of such people goes by the name of Joseph Murphy, author of “The Miracles of your Mind”. In his works, Murphy explores in as much details as he can the concepts behind the conscious as well as the subconscious mind, after which he goes on to explain how he believes they impact our day to day actions and what we can do to gain control over our lives to establish peace and harmony.

Miracle Mind Method


Author Bio: Miracle Mind Method

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Subconscious Mind,Subconscious thinking

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