Advantages of Invisalign Over Metal Braces

Invisalign is a method used by dental specialists to correct teeth problems/conditions like misalignment. This is by use of removable teeth especially known as teeth aligners in order to achieve a desired teeth alignment. This is used in the place of metal dental braces. Invisalign has proven to show more benefits in terms of general and cosmetic performance when compared to metal braces. This is because they are translucent and more custom made and do not require any metallic accompaniments in order to achieve the right pressure so as to achieve the desired positioning.

The removable nature of the invisalign makes it possible for the user to do tasks like eating, brushing or flossing easily since it is easy to remove and replace at the same time. In addition, this makes it possible to maintain hygiene since the invisalign will not block meals or gather food particle. Such food particles attract bacteria multiplication, which is a source of dental diseases and bad breath. On the other hand, for a dental brace, wearer to achieve good oral hygiene, he/she has to use a special kind of a toothbrush in combination with a mouth rinse to make the enamel strong. In fact, oral hygiene is the biggest factor in making a decision between dental braces and invisalign.

Another important advantage is that invisalign does not affect the teeth performance as part of the mouth. The invisibility and thinness of invisalign makes it easy to perform other oral tasks such as speaking, laughing and smiling. However, users of metal braces experience a lot of problems in such circumstances due to the thickness of the metallic nature of the braces and at the same time braces require one to give an allowance of adjustment period to get used to them. Hence one cannot speak clearly since there is a fullness fill of the metallic weight in the mouth.

Self esteem and confidence is another factor that teenagers and adults use to go for invisalign. The metallic nature combined with the visibility of the metal braces may result into an individual being ridiculed or even discriminated against. Such responses like name calling and being seen as a joker reduce the self esteem of the individual in performing joint activities like playing in children or work place engagements. Invisalign guarantee oral safety. This is because they can be removed prior to activities that can give rise to accidents such as when playing. This is why metal brace wearers are advised to wear mouth guards such that in case of an accident happening around the mouth during sports. The reason for doing this is that the metal braces may enhance the injury to the lips, mouth, gums or tongue. However, wearing commercial mouth guard doesn’t guarantee full safety since they have gaps and may also be part of the causes of injury.

It may seem that metal braces are less expensive and easily affordable, but the cost of self esteem and confidence overwhelms the money factor. Metal braces at workplace may lead even to physical and even emotional problems. This is aside from hygienic and overall personal health problems that metal braces bring with them. Therefore, users of metal can kiss their problems arising from wearing the metals goodbye by using invisalign. There is virtually no known side effect arising from using invisalign. However, the metal braces have been known to affect the gums and any other supporting tissue causing pain and injury. Moreover, they have a potential of causing teeth root shrinkage and even tooth decay may arise. This is because of permanently foxing the braces and its metallic nature.

Invisalign Los Angeles refers to teeth aligners that are used for the purpose of aligning teeth and settling dental-related inconsistencies.

Click here for Los Angeles Dentist.

Dentistry is a wholesome procedure that seeks to provide a patient with better looking teeth and a perfect smile.
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Author Bio: Invisalign Los Angeles refers to teeth aligners that are used for the purpose of aligning teeth and settling dental-related inconsistencies.

Click here for Los Angeles Dentist.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Invisalign Los Angeles, Los Angeles Invisalign, Los Angeles Dentist

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