Arizona Residential Wind Power Turbines

There are several ways on how to use alternative power sources. One can use solar power, as well as hydroelectric power or the use of wind turbines.

Solar PV harnesses the sun’s energy and converting it to electricity. For Hydroelectric power and wind turbines, the energy is harnessed from the water current and the wind, consecutively, and converted to mechanical energy.

In Arizona, where it is known for its desert climate makes use often of solar PVs, but on the Northern part of Arizona, wind turbines are also used. Arizona is also home to the largest manufacturer of residential wind turbines.

Arizona residential wind power systems make use of residential wind turbines that are smaller than the commercial wind turbines, thus having lower energy output. These turbines can be as small as a fifty watt generator.

Residential wind turbines are becoming popular like the solar PV systems. This is due to the awareness of the public of conserving energy to help the environment. By using alternative sources of power such as the wind turbine, homes and offices will save money due to its cost effectiveness. During the past years where the prices of fuel are so expensive, alternative power sources are a great help.

There are however some issues concerning wind turbines like neighborhood complaints and zoning problems. Also, residential wind turbines which are around 33 foot tall wind turbines would require at least 12mph of wind speeds, thus it will not be suitable in places with nearby buildings. Not all residents can acquire Arizona residential wind power turbines, such as people residing in Phoenix and Tucson.

If one is considering in installing a residential wind turbine, it is best to check the US Wind Energy Resource Map to make approximations in a particular location’s potential wind resources. Also, take to consideration the size of the property. For homeowners, it is best to consider local zoning requirements and other regulations if residential wind turbines can be installed in one’s home.

Arizona residential wind power turbines usually generate 400 watts to 100 kilowatts. There are also wind turbines that can produce 1 kilowatt; this would be enough to power up vehicle or boat batteries. The system approximately costs around $1,000 to $5,000 per kilowatt. In the long run though, one would be able to have a return of investment within a few months time due to its energy and cost savings effect.

Arizona residential wind power turbines have a lot of advantages. One is of course using an alternative power source, which can help reduce greenhouse emission from burning coals. Second is that when using a wind turbine, this can greatly help not only the user but also the neighbors by giving the energy back to the energy grids, thus it would not only reduce one’s carbon footprints but it would also do so for one’s neighbors. Another advantage is that a residential wind turbine can effectively reduce electricity bills, and depending on one’s usage and the production of energy from the wind turbine, it is also possible to save on electric bills entirely.

There are a lot of benefits in using alternative energy, not to mention the help it can provide to the environment.

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Are you looking for more information regarding Arizona residential wind power? Visit today!

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Category: Society
Keywords: wind turbines,residential wind turbines,residential wind power

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